
Kawa Zaidan Abdulrahman

Welcome to my Academic Profile page. My name is Kawa Zaidan and I am a Asst. prof. holding (Ph.D.) degree in Water Resources Engineering, at the University of Sulaimani, College of Engineering in Kurdistan Region.


    1. Sediment Transport Upstream of Reservoir of Haditha Dam. Journal of Engineering and Development (Al-Mustansyriah University), 9 (4), p45-66.
    2. Case Study of the Chaq-Chaq Dam Failure: Parameter Estimation and Evaluation of Dam Breach Prediction Models, Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 5 (Version 1), May 2014, pp.109-116 .

E-mail: kawa.abed@univsul.edu.iq

00964 (0)7701908511

I have taught several topics at my faculty, i.e.

1. Statistics Engineering

2. Dams Engineering Part1

3. Dams Engineering Part2

4- Engineering Analysis

5-Drainage Engineering

6- Sediment Transport

7- Advanced Hydrology

My research interests focus on;

    1. Dams Engineering.
    2. Hydrology.
    3. Sediment Transport.