
Prof.Dr. Karwan Omer Qadir 

Welcome to my Academic Profile page.

 My name is

 Prof.Dr.Karwan Omer Qadir and  I am an Professor with a PhD degree in Philosophy of Language , teaching in the College of Languages at University of Sulaimani in Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq

A member of Scientific community of Kurdish Language Department in College of Languages. 

Publications: 20Journal. Articles & 3 books 

E-mail: karwan.qadir@univsul.edu.iq


Mobile: +964(0)770 158 6912

I teach several topics at my Department , i.e.

1. Phonetics&Phonology in second stage, S1, B.A 

2. Linguistics School in second stage, S2, B.A 

3. Cognitive Linguistics in PhD Course.

4.Therotical Linguistics in M.A Course.

Also as a visitor Professor in 

Soran University, Charmo University and Halabja University I'm teaching:

My research interests focus on;

1. Logical Grammar.

2. Cognitive Linguistics;

3. Applied Linguistics;

پ.د.كاروان عومەر قادر