
 Kani Mohammad Mohammad

Welcome to my Academic Profile page. My name is  Kani Mohammad Mohammad Salih and  I am a lecturer Asisstant (MSc) degree in Housing, teaching in the Architectural Department in Faculty of Engineering at University of Sulaimani in Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq

Teaching Summery 

1.  Previously I was part of the teaching staff  in Architectural Department , Engineering Collage, University  of  Sulaimanyah  in 2006 as an architect – Teaching Assistant - of the following modules :


E-mail: kani.mohammad@univsul.edu.iq

Mobile: +964(0)7701585570

     University of Sulaimanyah

I was awarded a Bachelor's degree in Architecture Engineering with the standard good and I stood  the 3rd out of  forty graduates . 

My research interests focus on ;

1. Architecture Design

2. Housing

3. Architectural Conservation

4. Local Architecture   


2. After I was awarded the M.Sc.  in Architectural Department , Engineering Collage ,University of Sulaimanyah in 2014 as a Lecture Assistant – I have taught the following modules :

