
Welcome to my academic profile page. My name is Hoshman Omar Majeed Sarthis. I have awarded PhD degree in Plant systematic and Evolution. My thesis title is {The phylogeny of Tulipa (liliaceae) and status of Tulipa kurdica}.

Teaching in the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at University of Sulaimani in Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq.


1- BSc. in Horticulture, University of Sulaimani/Iraqi Kurdistan, 2000.

2- MSc. in Horticulture (Wild flowering bulbs), University of Sulaimani/Iraqi Kurdistan, 2010.

3- PhD. in Biology departments (Plant systematic and Evolution), University of Reading/United Kingdom, 2016.

Publications: Two Journal Articles

e-mail: hoshman.majeed@univsul.edu.iq

Mobile: (+964) - 0770 157 6408

I teach the following topics:

1. General English

2. Plant anatomy

3. Weed control

4. Plant biodiversity

My research interests focus on:

1. Plant systematic and evolution

2. Plant phylogeny

3. Plant molecular systematics and evolution

4. Flowering bulbs

5. Medicinal plants