Dr Hemn Hassan Othman, PhD Pathology

Welcome to my Academic Profile page

My name is  Dr Hemn Hassan Othman and  I am a Senior lecturer holding PhD degree in Pathology, from University Putra Malaysia (UPM), In Malaysia 

Currently I'm a head of Department of Basic Sciences, College of Pharmacy, University of Sulaimani in Kurdistan Region, Republic of Iraq


2 published Books + 20 Journal Articles + 12 Conference papers, 4 awards and 39 conference contribution as oral and poster presenter.

h-index: 19

i10-index: 30

Google Scholar Citations: 1400


Scopus Citation:143, UPM

Scopus h-index: 6, UPM

Author ID: 55614777800, UPM

Official E-mail Address: hemn.othman@univsul.edu.iq


Previously, I was an instructor for several topics, including:


2. Histology

3. Embryology

4. Basic and Animal Physiology

5. Postmortem inspection and Forensic Medicine

6. Histopathology and Lab

Currently I teach several topics at my faculty (Pharmacy), i.e.

1. Pathology

2. Pathophysiology

3. Human Histology

My research interests focus on;