
My name is Harem Omer Qadir.

I am an Assistant Lecturer with a MS.c degree in Structural Geology, teaching in the School of Science at University of Sulaimani in Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq.

email: harem.qadir@univsul.edu.iq

Mobile: (+964)-0-770 367 47 17

I taught several topics at my college, i.e.

1. Structural Geology/practical (3rd stage)

2. Geology of Iraq/practical (3rd stage)

3. Geotectonic/practical (4th stage)

4. Computer Science/practical (1st stage)

5. Mineralogy/Practical (1st stage)

My research interests focus on;

1. Structural geology

2. Tectonics

3. Subsurface interpretation

4. Geophysics