Dr. Fawzy's Home
Fawzy Faidhullah Khurshid
Welcome to my Academic Profile page.
My name is Fawzy Faidhullah Khurshid Shwany
and I am an Assistant Professor holding Ph. D degree in Agricultural Machinery, Teaching at the Collage of Agricultural Engineering Sciences at University of Sulaimani in Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq
Administrative position: Head of the Biotechnology and Crop Science department
Publications: 10 Research and 10 textbooks
E-mail: Fawzy.khurshid@univsul.edu.iq
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=B4164ugAAAAJ&hl=en
Mobile: +964(0)7701442400
Orcid ID;
I teach several topics at my collage, i.e.
Advanced irrigation systems
Advanced forest machinery
Engineering drawing
Agricultural machinery
Irrigation Engineering
Agricultural equipment
Horticultural machinery
Engineering Foundation of Food Industries workshop
Mechanization of Agriculture Animal rearing
Principle of Animal Building and farm Machinery
Post harvesting equipment
Plant protection equipment
Animal Products Machinery
My research interests focus on;
1.Tillage Equipment
2. planting Machines
3. Irrigation Systems
4. Agricultural Tractors