Post date: Jan 2, 2018 10:04:29 AM

USAID/ASHA RFA Funding Opportunity is NOW OPEN

SUBJECT: American Schools and Hospitals Abroad Program Worldwide

ASHA Request for Application No. 72ASHA18RFA00001 for Fiscal Year 2018

USAID’s Office of American Schools and Hospitals Abroad has released its FY18 Request for Application (RFA) on This funding opportunity supports partnerships between US organizations and overseas institutions which promote US values, best practices, pedagogies, technologies, etc. as a public diplomacy strategy to foster cooperation and better understanding between local communities and Americans. USAID/ASHA assistance supports infrastructure, such as the construction of academic buildings and medical facilities, as well as the procurement of durable medical and educational equipment. Please refer interested applicants to Solicitation Number 72ASHA18RFA00001 on Applications are due by February 23, 2018. For more information about ASHA and our partners, please visit their website: