Welcome to my Academic Profile page. My name is
Awat Saeed Fatah and I am with a PhD degree teaching the Art in School of Fine Arts at University of Sulaimani in Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq
Multi-disciplinary background
Accepted in college of fine art in Suliamany 1999-2000
Obtained B.A in fine art- plastic art-Sulaimany University 2002-2003
Obtained M.A in fine art-plastic art-Sulaimany University 2009
Obtained P.H.D in theory comprotary fine art-plastic art-Sulaimany University 2013
Current position
Teacher in school of fine art in Suliamany University .
Making the first peculiar exhibition in 1997 in Qaladza .
Making the second peculiar exhibition in 1998 in darykaly secondary school.
Participation with 9 artist in Bagdad in (Apron Anffranchisement) for detection
predestination victims Anfal in 2003.
Joined in high education in sardam gallery 2008 .
Take part in all activity exhibitions in college of fine art.
Take part in many exhibitions in Kurdistan .
Take part in many work shop of art art role and conceptual art in Kurdistan.
Active member in Union Artists Kurdistan .
Member in Kurdistan Academic Association
Painting, music, reading, cinema, swimming ,
I teach several topics at my faculty, i.e.
My research interests focus on;