Awat Jamal Hasan

I am Awat Jamal Hasan, an instructor who has a Doctor of Philosophy degree in the field of community health nursing. Furthermore, I have a Master of Science degree in Advanced Nursing (Health Sciences) from the University of Nottingham, which is in the United Kingdom. I am an educator affiliated with the College of Nursing at the University of Sulaimani, which is in the Kurdistan Region of the Federal Republic of Iraq. 


Tel: +964(0)7702204005


Google Scholar Account: Awat Jamal Hasan 

ResearchGate Account: Awat Jamal Hasan  

I have been teaching  several topics: 

1. Adult Nursing medical surgical nursing 

2. Consolidation

3. Fundamentals of Nursing

4. Ethical Issue in nursing

5. Professional Skill

6. Work Environment

7. advanced communication in nursing  

My research  interests focus on;

community of nursing and adult nursing