
Aram Baram Mohammed 

I'm pleased to give you my warmest welcome to our institutional website of the university of Sulaimani and I would like to thank for your interest in getting to know us better.

Here you can find the description of our site with a wide range of activities that can be carried out at our university, as well as the lines with which we plan to trace the future of our institution, making an effort in doing our best to cover the needs and desires of society.

Thanks for choosing UOS as a site for surfing..

I hope  you enjoy surfing my professional page. 

My Google scholar : https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=trG3GfUAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&gmla=AJsN-F6Zc91YH0x7GiCcbwa6nX16agUQh-0EZij7hgT8FeTf-Bl7ssMiLMWGqu_cbKsD844avucD5K4K3oClCjla6l8ac9W7wQ

e-mail: aram.baram@univsul.edu.iq

Mobile: (+964) -770 151 14 78