
Aram Bahroz Brzo

Welcome to my Academic Profile page. My name is Aram B. Brzo and I am a lecturer holding (MSc) degree in Theoretical Physics, teaching in the Physics Deapartment/ College of Education at University of Sulaimani in Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq


[1] Brzo, A. B., Olğar, E., & Hussein, H. G. (2021). The Klein–Gordon equation with a generalized Morse potential in D-dimensions. The European Physical Journal Plus, 136(10), 1-10.


[2] Hameeda, M., Pourhassan, B., Rocca, M. C., & Brzo, A. B. (2021). Gravitational partition function modified by superlight braneworld perturbative modes. Physical Review D, 103(10), 106019.


[3] Brzo, A. B., & Alvarez-Castillo, D. (2021). Thermodynamic properties of the trigonometric Rosen–Morse potential and applications to a quantum gas of mesons. Modern Physics Letters A, 36(15), 2150095.


[4] Hameeda, M., Rocca, M. C., & Brzo, A. B. (2021). Partition function and coherent states for the quantum multiverse. Physics of the Dark Universe, 31, 100767.


[5] Hameeda, M., Pourhassan, B., Rocca, M. C., & Brzo, A. B. (2021). Two approaches that prove divergence free nature of non-local gravity. The European Physical Journal C, 81(2), 1-11.


E-mail: aram.brzo@univsul.edu.iq

Mobile: +964(0)770 365 53 13

I teach several topics at my faculty, i.e.

1. Mathematical Physics

2. Quantum Mechanics

My research interests focus on;

1. Theoretical Physics

2. Computational Physics