Professor, Physics Department, Pisa University


Phone: +39-050-2214-530

- Research topics: Quantum Field Theory, Renormalization-group Theory, QCD, Lattice Field Theory, Critical Phenomena, Quantum Transitions.

- Publications: arXiv , Google scholar

Research interests

My research activity has focused on issues ranging from statistical and condensed matter physics to fundamental interactions, from critical phenomena to quantum many-body systems, etc. Most used frameworks are quantum field theories, lattice field theories, renormalization-group theory, numerical simulations, which allow us to address problems arising in different physical contexts. I mention some recent research lines: (i) Critical phenomena at quantum and thermal transitions in several physically interesting systems; (ii) Quantum dynamics of many-body systems at first-order and continuous quantum transitions, evolving unitarily and in contact with environments; (iii) Interplay between global and gauge symmetries in lattice gauge theories; (iv) Nonperturbative aspects of the theory of the strong interactions, i.e. the quantum chromodynamics (QCD).