Professor, Physics Department, Pisa University


Phone: +39-050-2214-930

- Research topics: Quantum many-body systems, Ultracold atoms, Non-equilibrium physics, Driven-dissipative systems, Density matrix renormalization group, Tensor networks.

- Publications: arXiv, Google scholar

- Personal page

Research interests

My research activity is focused on the theoretical understanding of the role played by strong interactions in low-dimensional quantum many-body systems, such as spin chains or Hubbard-like models. In this context I am investigating some peculiar aspects of quantum matter (including phase transitions, magnetism, and non-equilibrium dynamics), which can be experimentally accessed by means of quantum simulators. Among the available platforms, I am dealing with cold atoms trapped in optical lattices and with coupled-cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED). I work on numerical methods for strongly correlated systems, in particular the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) and tensor networks.