Associate Member, INFN-Pisa Division


Phone: +39-050-2214-886

- Research topics: quantum field theory, conformal invariance, charged sectors in gauge theories, supersymmetric gauge anomalies, topological field theory, generalized statistics, integrable systems with defects, non-equilibrium steady states.

- Publications: Google Scholar

Research interests

My research covers various aspects of quantum field theory, including conformal invariance (in 4 and 2 dimensions), physical charged sectors in gauge theories, supersymmetric non-abelian gauge anomalies, Chern-Simons theory and knot invariants, generalized quantum statistics, algebraic treatment of integrable models with defects, differential operators on graphs (quantum graphs) and entanglement in quantum wire junctions. Recently I am working on the construction of non-equilibrium steady states in quantum field theory and their application to quantum transport and noise.