Postdoctoral Fellow,  INFN-Pisa Division

E-mail: matthias.goebelATpi.infn.it

Phone: +39-050-2214-929

- Research topics: Few-nucleon systems, Nuclear effective field theories, Halo nuclei, Universality in nuclear systems

- Publications: INSPIRE


Research interests

My research is about the description of the structure as well as of reactions of nuclear few-body systems. One area is the description of halo nuclei and reactions involving these. Halo effective field theory is used to predict observables such as Coulomb dissociation strengths or neutron-neutron relative-energy spectra following knockout reactions. I also employ cluster model calculations for comparisons. Another area I am starting to work on is the calculation of correlations measured between nucleons in femtoscopy. Related to these topics are the manifestations of universality in nuclear few-body systems. I am also interested in the formal aspects of few-body methods.