Senior researcher, INFN-Pisa Division


Phone: +39-050-2214-932

- Research topics: Scattering Theory, Nuclear Reaction Theory, Exotic Nuclei, New facilities for Radioactive Beams

- Publications: INSPIRE

- Personal web page

Research interests

My research aims at understanding the reaction mechanisms involved in the scattering of exotic nuclei starting from the first measurements in the 80's of reaction cross section up to the most recent and advanced exclusive experiments for dripline unbound nuclei. I have been studying nuclear and Coulomb breakup reactions, elastic scattering and total reaction cross section measurements. At present I am concerned with some open problems like kinematical effects on core parallel momentum distributions, the existence of a proton halo, the determination of the ground state of unbound nuclei such as 13Be. I use a general framework for the reaction theory, based on a time dependent perturbation theory approach and when suitable on its eikonal limit. A by product of my research has been the determination of optical potentials for nucleus-nucleus scattering and recently for neutron-9Be.