Professor, Physics Department, Pisa University


Phone: +39-050-2214-934

- Research topics: Nuclear many-body theory. Nuclear matter. Equation of state of hadronic matter under extreme conditions. Neutron star physics and related astrophysical phenomena.

- Publications: Google scholar, NASA ADS

Research interests

My research interests concern the study of the Equation of State (EoS) of Hadronic Matter (Nuclear Matter, Hyperonic Matter) at densities up to several times the central density of atomic nuclei and the application of these EoS models to the study of Neutron Star properties solving the stellar structure equations in General Relativity. In particular my research focus on various aspects of this fascinating inter-disciplinary subject which involve different fields of physics, such as nuclear and particle physics, quantum many-body physics, astrophysics and general relativity. More precisely: 1) Microscopic calculations of the EoS of symmetric and asymmetric nuclear matter; 2) three-nucleon interactions in nuclear matter; 3) microscopic calculations of the EoS of hyperonic matter and role of hyperonic three-body forces on the EOS; 4) structure and evolution of Neutron Stars using microscopic EOSs for nuclear and hyperonic matter; 5) quark deconfinement phase transition in Neutron Stars and astrophysical implications (SN explosions, GRBs, msPSRs); 6) binary Neutron Star Mergers and gravitational waves signal to constrain dense matter EoS.