Professor, Physics Department, Pisa University

E-mail: marco.poliniATunipi.it;

Phone: +39-050-2214-538

- Research topics: Graphene and related 2D materials; Electron hydrodynamics and viscous electron fluids; Cavity quantum electrodynamics of strongly correlated electron systems, 2D magnetic materials; Collective excitations in condensed matter systems; Quantum many-body theory.

- Publications: Arpi, arXiv, Google Scholar

Research interests

My group is interested in a broad range of topics in the arena of theoretical condensed matter physics. We are currently working on:

1) Hydrodynamic transport in strongly interacting electron fluids, such as those that can be found in graphene above liquid-N temperatures.

2) Cavity quantum electrodynamics of strongly correlated electron systems, with a special emphasis on fundamentals and on the possibility to engineer exotic phases of matter via quantum fluctuations of the vacuum.

3) Quantum batteries, i.e. many-body systems that employ quantum resources such as entanglement to achieve fast charging, while at the same time optimizing work extraction capabilities.

4) Ab initio theory of magnetism in 2D materials and coupling of spin waves and plasmons.

5) Theory of superconductivity in strongly correlated electron systems, with a particular emphasis on extreme non-adiabatic superconductivity.

Written by Laura Andreozzi and Ettore Vicari. Maintained by Laura Andreozzi.