Researcher, Physics Department, Pisa University

E-mail: francesca.cellaATunipi.it

Phone: +39-050-2214-xxx

- Research topics: Biophysics, Optical microscopy, Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences, Fluorescence nanoscopy and super-resolution.

- Publications: scholar google ; arpi ; scopus

Research interests

Our research is mainly focused on the design and application of novel optical imaging techniques to study intracellular biological processes. In particular, the research activity involves advanced fluorescence imaging techniques, super-resolution microscopy, optical nanoscopy and computational approaches oriented to single molecule studies in cells, tissues and organoids.

Technical Expertise:  Super-resolution and Nanoscopy, single molecule localization microscopy, Light-sheet fluorescence microscopy, Advanced fluorescence imaging techniques (FRAP, FRET, ecc), multi-photon excitation, fluorescence labeling techniques.

Written by Laura Andreozzi and Ettore Vicari. Maintained by Laura Andreozzi.