Researcher, Physics Department, Pisa University


Phone: +39-050-2214-309

- Research topics: Laser Spectroscopy, Sagnac effect, Ring-laser,

Inertial sensor, Lense–Thirring effect

- Publications: publons

- Personal web page


Research interests

Ring laser gyroscopes are, at present, the most precise sensors of absolute angular velocity. They are essential in estimating rotation rates relative to the local inertial frame in many contexts ranging from inertial guidance to angle metrology, from geodesy to geophysics, as well to fundamental physics. GINGERino, installed at LNGS at the end of September 2014, is a 3.6m side square ring laser. Its main objective is to measure the very low frequency rotational motions inside LNGS, in order to show if this is a suitable location for very low noise measurements and General Relativity tests.

Written by Laura Andreozzi and Ettore Vicari. Maintained by Laura Andreozzi.