Professor, Physics Department, Pisa University


Phone: +39-050-2214-891

- Research topics: Dynamics and Relaxation, Soft condensed matter,

Electron Spin Resonance, Rheology, Differential Scanning Calorimetry

- Publications: schoolar google

Research interest

My research is mainly devoted to the study of soft condensed matter, focussing on the study of structural and dynamics properties, relaxation and diffusion processes in complex systems. Main lines of activity: - Physics of the disordered systems with particular attention to polymeric materials, glasses and supercooled liquids. - Physics of glass transition and aging. - Physics of gels and hydrogels responsive to the environment (“intelligent” or “smart” hydrogels). The experiments are carried out with techniques available in my research lab: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (X band), Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Rheology

Written by Laura Andreozzi and Ettore Vicari. Maintained by Laura Andreozzi.