Remington Lab Home


David Remington

Associate Professor Emeritus

Department of Biology

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Greensboro, NC 27402-6170

office and lab:  226 Eberhart Building

phone:  (336) 334-4967



BS:  University of Montana, 1976

PhD:  North Carolina State University, 1999

Postdoctoral:  North Carolina State University, 2000-2002

I conduct research on the genetic basis of adaptive evolution and complex trait variation, primarily in plants, using a combination of quantitative and developmental genetic approaches.  Key interests include the genetics of life history evolution, including growth form and resource allocation trade-offs, using the rock cress Arabidopsis lyrata as an experimental organism.  I teach undergraduate and graduate-level courses in genetics, evolution, and genomics.

I have now retired, effective August 2023, but I am continuing several areas of active research.  I am continuing to mentor current students and serve on current graduate committees, but I am no longer accepting new graduate students.