Wenbo Sun, Ph.D.
I am a research faculty at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) and an affiliated faculty at the Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS).
I earned my Ph.D. in the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering (IOE) at the University of Michigan, advised by Professor Judy Jin and Matthew Plumlee. I am interested in methodological research that utilizes artificial intelligence for uncertainty quantification and decision making in engineering applications. I am also interested in collaborating with domain experts to solve data-driven problems.
Ph.D. Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, United States
M.S. Applied Statistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, United States
B.S. Probability and Statistics, Peking University, Beijing, China
Research Interests:
Methodology: out-of-distribution learning, Gaussian process modeling, generative models, anomaly detection
Applications: computer vision, vehicle safety, assistant driving system, smart manufacturing, health care
Selected Honors and Awards:
QCRE Best Student Paper Award in IISE Annual Meeting 2018
Best Theoretical Paper Award in INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Decision Analysis 2021
DAIS Best Track Paper Award in IISE Annual Conference 2022
Student Paper Competition Winner at the joint SPES + Q&P session in JSM 2022
Email: sunwbgt(at)umich.edu (please contact using email)
Address: Room 431, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute
2901 Baxter Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, United States