
The Network for Public Health Law builds relationships, delivers technical assistance and provides training to lawyers, public health practitioners, advocates and policy-makers on how to use law to improve the public's health. The Network is organized into five regions: Eastern, Mid-States, Northern, Southeastern and Western. Each region is dedicated to providing public health law technical assistance and support on a wide range of topics to states within the region. For more information, visit the following links to our affiliated organizations:

Network for Public Health Law

The University of Michigan School of Public Health

Check out the School of Public Health's Findings Magazine article on the Network for Public Health Law!

Findings Fall 2012

Our Goal

The Network for Public Health Law - Mid-States Region is located at the University of Michigan School of Public Health. The Mid-States Region provides support to public and private sector practitioners within Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Nationally, the Mid-States Region provides guidance on Health Information Data Sharing and Public Health Statutes and Regulatory Information. A primary objective of the Mid-States Region is to provide technical assistance to public health and legal professionals. Technical assistance can include legal guidance memoranda, training guides, legal outlines and other tools designed to help practitoners apply the law to public health.

Our Network

Any organization or individual committed to applying the law to improve public health can join the Network for Public Health Law. Join the Network to:

• Get the latest information on public health law

• Connect with others in the Network

• Access the Network's technical assistance, training and educational


• Take advantage of opportunities to promote public health law

resources or research