Workshop Home

March 27, 28 and 29, 2015

The Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics (MCTP) is hosting the 8th Great Lakes Strings conference at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor on March 27-29, 2015. The conference facilitates scientific communication and collaboration among researchers in the mid-western region, including postdocs and students.

Invited speakers include:

Igor Klebanov (Princeton)

Marcus Spradlin (Brown)

Nikolay Bobev (Leuven)

Frederik Denef (Columbia)

Chris Herzog (Stony Brook)

Faculty, postdocs, and students are encouraged to sign up to give talks at the conference (see registration form). Student talks will be approximately 10 minutes and a prize will be given for the best student talk.

We are planning to support accommodation costs for graduate students. In addition, we have limited funds available to support accommodation for postdocs and faculty if this is needed to attend the conference (see registration form). There is no registration fee for participation in the conference.

Previous Great Lakes String conferences were held in Madison, Ann Arbor, Cincinnati, Chicago, Purdue, and Kentucky

For additional info email:

Image provided by the SeaWiFS Project,

NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, and ORBIMAGE

Workshop Organizers:

Henriette Elvang

(Michigan MCTP)

Jim Liu (Michigan MCTP)

Leo Pando-Zayas (Michigan MCTP)

Finn Larsen (Michigan MCTP)

Workshop Secretary:

Karen O"Donovan

University of Michigan

450 Church Street

Ann Arbor MI 48109-1040

(P) 734-763-9698

Workshop Venue:

Randall Laboratory