
Welcome to Galens Medical Society!

Galens is the largest and longest-standing medical student service organization at the University of Michigan Medical School. We hope you'll find this website useful in learning more about who we are and what we do!


Tag Days will be this December 2nd-4th!

We are so excited to be fundraising both virtually and in person this year.

Visit our Tag Days site to learn more or donate online!

Smoker 2022: Check back for more information!

Visit the Smoker site for more information!

Galens Alumnus? Register with us!

Our goal is to have as many Galens alumni as possible be a part of special events in the future. If you are a Galens alum, or know someone who is, please let us know, so we can reach you in the future! Enter your contact information here!

Community/Social Involvement

Galens members actively seek to volunteer and participate in events in the community. If your organization is looking for enthusiastic medical students to help with a social event or other volunteer activity, please contact our President or Vice President: Carl Engelke (cengelke@umich.edu) or Kallen Schwark (kmschwar@umich.edu).