Returning members DO NOT need to audition; every musician who played with a campus orchestra in the previous fall term (2024) will be guaranteed a spot for the winter term. If you are presently in CPO or CPO Chamber Strings and interested in playing in a different group, please email Luca Antonucci and Francisco Fernandez to express your interest.
Winter Semester Repertoire will include works by Faure and Stravinsky. The first rehearsal will be on January 15th at 7pm (CSO in Hankinson and CPO in Kevreson; CPO Chamber Strings location TBA) .
A roster will be posted before the first rehearsal on the canvas courses. Please DO NOT expect an email regarding your placement in the orchestras.
Auditions will occur Wednesday January 8 and Thursday January 9 in the Moore Building (School of Music, Theatre and Dance). You need to fill out the Registration Form first; at the end of your registration, there will be a link to a calendly calendar where you can choose your timeslot.
Audition times are as follows:
Wednesday January 8 (Moore Building - 1378 near Hankinson):
6:00p - 10:00p
(Percussionists, please choose any time this evening)
Thursday January 9 (Moore Building - 1378 near Hankinson):
7:00p - 10:00p
Remember, returning members DO NOT need to audition.
Auditions are typically held during the first or second week of the semester at the School of Music, and rehearsals begin the Wednesday after. Class registration and the syllabus for ENS 344 will be explained at the first rehearsal.
Please prepare two selections in contrasting style and tempo that will best demonstrate your abilities. Auditions last about 3-5 minutes. You may sign up for either section of the class ahead of time and will audition for BOTH groups during your auditions. A roster will be posted before the first rehearsal on the canvas courses. Please DO NOT expect an email regarding your placement in the orchestras.
registration REQUIREMENTS:
The University of Michigan Campus Symphony Orchestra (CSO) and Campus Philharmonia Orchestra (CPO) welcomes all incoming non-music major students to audition. Based on your audition, you'll be placed into one of the two orchestras or the chamber strings group based on your skill level.
You may register for ENS 344 on Wolverine Access (either section) in order to receive more announcements.
Still need help?
Please email Kate Johnson (Large Ensembles Manager) at if you are struggling to sign up for an audition time slot.
Please email Luca Antonucci (Campus Symphony Orchestra Conductor) at for more information about the repertoire or general questions regarding how the class functions.
If you are a music major looking for the SMTD Ensembles Audition Site, click here.