
Welcome to the UC Davis Physics Prelim website. This site is primarily intended to function as a repository for old prelims, their solutions, and other study materials. It includes prelims from before and after the 2020 revision to the exam format and content-- exams post-2020 are half as long, and the content is drawn from undergraduate rather than first-year graduate material.

The department also has a prelim page on its website with a prelim policy document and an official prelim syllabus (opens download link), which lists topics and standard textbook references for the content on the preliminary exam.

This site is run by GradOPS. We rely on your solutions to test questions, and the site is only as good as its contributors. Please add content! If you have comments on solutions or corrections you'd like to report, check our errata page first. If you have trouble submitting content/solutions, email gradops-council@ucdavis.edu.