List of Tables

Table 1.1 The Five Organizing Devices: Advantages and Caveats

Table 1.2 The Phenomena

Challenges Facing Agents [21]:

3.1 Hunter-gatherers

4.1 Farmers

4.2 Nomads

4.3 Fishers

5.1 Merchants

5.2 Artisans

6.1 Builders

6.2 Rulers

6.3 Soldiers

8.1 Priests

9.1 Slaves

9.2 Scientists

10.1 Workers

16.1 Explorers

18.1 Artists

21.1 Voters

22.1 Technological Innovators

24.1 Industrialists

24.2 Modern Parents

27.1 Bureaucrats

31.1 Migrants

There are also a set of thematic tables: the natural environment theme is addressed in chapter 2, genetic predisposition and individual differences in chapter 3, economy in chapter 4, technology and science in chapter 5, politics in 6, population and health in 7, and art in 8.

Table 32.1 Human Progress by Theme