Links to Other Online Resources

There are a variety of other online resources available. We highlight here a handful that we have found particularly useful:

Catherine Lyall (and colleagues) have created a series of 4 page "Short Guides" to various aspects of interdisciplinary research, funding, and graduate training. These are available at: Short Guides "A series of four-page guides to different aspects of interdisciplinary research leadership available to download."

I2S (Integration and Implementation Sciences) provides dozens of tools for interdisciplinary research and a variety of other resources at I2S Resources "I2S provides a growing repository of resources drawing from related approaches, including systems thinking, transdisciplinarity, implementation science, action research and more."

The Science of Team Science has a "toolkit" of team science strategies at SciTS Toolkit It is "A “one stop shop” with over 500 resources to help users manage, support, conduct, study, or evaluate team-based research."

Td-Net (Transdisciplinarity-net) has created a "toolbox" of useful strategies for transdisciplinary research [See Defining "Transdisciplinary" ] at td-net toolbox "The td-net’s toolbox features selected methods for jointly producing knowledge across different academic and non-academic fields of expertise."

Note that -- like I2S -- the td-net and SciTS websites contain a variety of resources beyond these tools.

An acknowledgment: td-net invited scholars connected with these resources, and About Interdisciplinarity, to participate in a panel chaired by Julie Thompson Klein at the 2015 td-net conference in Basel. This was a very useful exercise in collaboration. We thank td-net for taking this initiative.