
The literature on interdisciplinarity has until very recently had relatively little to say about values, beyond urging respect for different viewpoints. Yet it may well be that the techniques used to integrate insights can be applied to at least some extent to lessen conflicts rooted in different values. [See Differences in Values] An interdisciplinary education can thus not only foster an appreciation of different values but also provide guidance on coping with value conflicts.

· We concur with CM that an undergraduate education needs to engage with values and foster a respect for diversity.

· But the report, like most commentary on values, fails to address the inherent tension between ‘respect for others’ and providing a list of specific values that it is hoped all will share. We need to face up to the fact that our laudable pursuit of respect for others has not only encouraged a toxic ‘anything goes’ ethical outlook, but has also encouraged a feeling that it is a complete waste of time to try to either understand or change another’s opinions (because our opinions must be equally valid). This is perhaps the ethical challenge of our times.

· This conflict can only be resolved by moving past ‘anything goes’ toward an appreciation that ethical beliefs are or should be grounded in ethical arguments, and that some ethical arguments are more powerful than others. Students need to appreciate the handful of types of ethical argument, that these often point in the same direction (albeit there is always scope for disagreement), and that interdisciplinary techniques of conflict resolution have some ability to resolve ethical conflicts. Philosophers, it might be noted, have a tendency to argue for one point of view, rather than attempt to synthesize different points of view, despite the fact that philosophers know that there is no perfect argument. We thus need to apply the interdisciplinary mindset within the realm of ethics. We discuss under interdisciplinary research how this can be done [See Differences in Values].