Diagrams of the Interdisciplinary Research Process

Professor Pietro DeSantis of the University of Rome 2 has diagrammed the steps in Repko as well as other material. He has kindly given permission for these diagrams to be reproduced.

The diagrams are attached to this page. The 'problem space' file contains three diagrams. The 'Repko's Steps' file contains 2 diagrams of Repko's steps (steps 1-6, and steps 6-10). The 'Szostak's ...' file contains one diagram of Szostak's technique (from Repko) for choosing relevant disciplines. The 'Bammer's Framework' file contains two diagrams of a framework for interdisciplinary analysis outlined by Gabriele Bammer. [Bammer's work is discussed in several places on this website, including Pursuing a Systems Approach and Bammer's Disciplining Interdisciplinarity]