Instrumental versus Conceptual Interdisciplinarity

The focus of AIS has always been on the sort of instrumental interdisciplinarity discussed in Defining (Instrumental) Interdisciplinarity. Yet we can also value ‘conceptual’ or ‘critical’ interdisciplinarities which focus on critiques of the organization and power of contemporary disciplines. The definition of instrumental interdisciplinarity provided above assumes that the specialized research undertaken within disciplines is valuable but necessarily limited. It is valuable because scholars who use the same theories, methods, and vocabulary can readily communicate. It is limited because of necessity insights from other theories, methods, or disciplines – and connections with phenomena studied by others (or ignored by all) – are omitted or downplayed. The assumption that the research undertaken within disciplines is useful is compatible with a wide range of attitudes toward the present structure and organization of disciplines. It may well be that most practicing instrumental Interdisciplinarians would think that disciplines should become somewhat more outward-looking than they are at present. They might thus urge a much looser disciplinary structure. Those who have struggled to obtain resources for interdisciplinary teaching or research programs are likely to worry about the power wielded by disciplines within the academy.

Most practicing interdisciplinarians likely pursue both instrumental and critical interdisciplinarity. They are drawn to instrumental interdisciplinarity because of the sorts of concerns with disciplinary practices that characterize critical interdisciplinarity. Their precise stance on critical matters may influence the sort of instrumental interdisciplinarity that they pursue.

Special note should be made of the study of interdisciplinarity itself. Such research may be at times fairly disciplinary, as when one explores the implications of cognitive science theory for interdisciplinary practice. Yet even here one will have to understand what it is that Interdisciplinarians are trying to achieve. And thus we would include the study of interdisciplinarity within our definition of interdisciplinary research. This literature will naturally be drawn upon heavily in what follows.

[We invite contributions identifying different types of conceptual/critical interdisciplinarity]