Acknowledgments and Plans for Development

This website has been developed by Rick Szostak of the University of Alberta. This is a very collaborative project, and the following scholars have provided extensive advice and input:

    • Jennifer Dellner, Ocean County College

    • Catherine Lyall, University of Edinburgh

    • Angus McMurtry, University of Ottawa

    • William H. Newell, Miami University of Ohio

    • Gretchen Schulz, Emory University

    • James Welch IV, University of Texas, Arlington

The intent is to gain advice from a widening circle of scholars, within the Association for Interdisciplinary Studies; within kindred groups such as td-net (an organization of transdisciplinarians funded by the Swiss Academy of Science), Science of Team Science, Integration and Implementation Sciences, and the International Network for Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity; and from any scholar interested in interdisciplinary practice.

It is also the intent to develop alternative entries to this body of information. We have developed a diagram that describes the website, and hope to develop links from each element in that diagram. [The diagram is available at the bottom of the About Interdisciplinary main page.] We also hope to indicate where in the website answers to particular questions can be found. For example, if a user wished to know "How can I set up a new interdisciplinary teaching program?" they could be directed to the appropriate sections under both Administration and Teaching,