Iconclass to BCC Translation Table

Translating ICONCLASS into BCC

The strategy is to employ Cutter numbers for particulars. The BCC will provide direct translations for non-particular classes below, and identify a non-particular class into which individual works can fit. The details of the BCC can be found at Basic Concepts Classification (Web version 2013)

Class 0 is abstract and non-representational art. There are no subclasses here but references to terminology such as ‘light’ which occur elsewhere in the schedules. The BCC allows such art to be classified in terms of a variety of shapes, colours, materials and so on.

1 · Religion and Magic CR CRw is witchcraft/occult

10 · (symbolic) representations ~ creation, cosmos, cosmogony, universe, and life (in the broadest sense) This is a pretty vague class. →ri is imitate; QI8 is symbolic so →riQI8 is imitate symbolically; →gc is create; Class Z, celestial objects needs to be fleshed out, but Z likely stands for universe. Religious treatment of the creation of the universe can be signaled by adding CR.

11 · Christian religion CR1c

11A · Deity, God (in general) ~ Christian religion CR2g^CR1c God the creator, divine nature, and God’s wrath can each be captured easily through compounds.

11B · the Holy Trinity, 'Trinitas coelestis'; Father, Son and Holy Ghost ~ Christian religion

CR6a is religious figures, with Cutter numbers used to designate particular figures. The trinity may require special treatment. Trinity represented by tripartite symbols [again →riQI8 is imitate symbolically]; by object or animal [/FK5 by animal] object is handled at present by NA in human shape [/G] Extensions of [stipulate particular influences on or of] Divine decree of redemption [this is, notably, something quite different, best captured as god talking about salvation: CR2g →rt CR4]

11C · God the Father CR2g^IR1(SG2) >CR1c [god associated with father/child relationship in Christianity]

11D · Christ CR6a >CR1c (Cutter for Jesus)

11E · the Holy Ghost CR6a >CR1c (Cutter for Holy Ghost?] [Note CR6ag is ghost]

11F · the Virgin Mary CR6a >CR1c (Cutter for Virgin Mary]

11G · angels CR6aa >CR1c ICONCLASS has 9 choirs of angels, hierarchy of angels which we might treat as classes SOC of angels ; then activities, fighting, and aspects; these last 3 are best captured through compounds.

11H · saints CR6as >CR1c ICONCLASS distinguishes by gender, adds names

11I · prophets, sibyls, evangelists, Doctors of the Church; persons ~ the Bible (not in biblical context) CR6ap >CR1c ; sybils are female prophets (see below) in ancient Greece; →rsrst ^CR1c is persuading associated with Christianity; can use Cutter numbers for individuals. Leaders are (→rs / I)(CR1j)

11K · devil(s) and demons CR6ad >CR1c distinguishes in animal form; in non-human/animal form (best captured by stating what form they are); worshipping of; activities of (best to stipulate particular activities) [all are best captured through compounds.]

11L · Christian doctrine CR6 >CR1c Old and New Testament; Ten Commandments [Cutter]; Articles of faith [CR6 (QF1) necessary doctrine could add ‘important’ QF3], confession [CR8c], catechism [→ie CR6^GA6b summarizing doctrine]; canon law [PI4 (CR1c) – PI3a laws of the church] ; theology [TF (CR1c)]; books [T4 (CR1C)]; heretical doctrine [CR6( idrc) disagreed doctrine]

11M · 'Sapientia' and the Seven Virtues, i.e. the Three Theological and the Four Cardinal Virtues We can talk generally of CV^CR1C [values associated with Christianity], and link each of the 7 in particular: Piety [→gb CRic; being Christian], faith [→ib CR1c; believing Christianity], godliness [→ri CR2g; modelling god] plus prudence [IC conscientiousness], temperance [CV2n], fortitude [CV2m courage], justice [CV3j]. If we want some way of signaling the 3,4 and 7 collectively, this could be done by linking synthetically to numbers within class X.

11N · Vice, and the Seven Deadly Sins Vice is rd CV; not demonstrating virtue Symbolized [→riQI8 as in 10 above], Personified [^I] , Venial [^sp, proceeding to afterlife], ‘forgive’ can be not faultfinding IF7. Unbelief ib Could indicate seven sins by association with →HM cause mortality. wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy gluttony,are not listed individually in ICONCLASS but can each be captured by associating vice with attitudes toward vengeance, wealth, work, recognition, sex, wealth of others, and food (last under GM, rest in CV)

11O · strife between Virtues and Vices [conflict is rx] , Psychomachy [conflict between body and soul: GNx rx GA1]

11P · the Church (as institution) PI4 (CR1c) [PI4f for local church] NB8 (CR1c) for the building

11Q · the worship of God CV8 / CR2g

11R · the life of man This is very vague

11S · heaven, celestial paradise, New Earth CV2h

11T · hell and purgatory CV2l; CV2p

11U · Last Judgement ie(N2x)Gsp^CR1c [Judging for the last time whether humanity proceeds to afterlife, associated with Christianity; Note that the same idea appears in other religions such as Islam]

11V · the (seven) Acts of Mercy iaIF1\SOC5 acting sympathetic for disadvantaged

12 · non-Christian religions (including institutions, customs and antiquities) CR^CR1c [but such a designation will rarely be necessary; we should want a classification that does not privilege a particular religion.]

12A · Jewish religion and culture CR1j Synagogue PI4f(CR1j) God CR2g>CR1j Laws CR1j – PI3a Practices CR1j – CR8 Temple NB8 (CR1j) Spiritual leaders (→rs / I)(CR1j) Festivals CE9^CR1j The Jews SE (Cutter for Jews) [Note that this is a quite different class than the rest.] Symbols, fashions, ideas etc. This diverse subclass mixes many things. Symbol CR1j(QI8) Fashion is CE5(CR1j) Ideas are best treated as doctrine. Anti-semitism SL (SE Cutter for Jews)

To avoid repetition we do not revisit subclasses for all subsequent religions.

12B · non-Christian religions and cults (in general) Again CR^CR1c

12C · Egyptian religion CR^N1ceg(QT3)

12D · Babylonian-Assyrian religions and other antique religions of the Near East and Northern Africa These also can be designated by association with places and times.

12E · Greek religion (including Minoan and Mycenaean culture) CR^N1cgr(QT3)

12F · Roman religion (including Etruscan religion) CR^N1cit(QT3)

12G · Mithraism and other Hellenistic or Late Roman (provincial) religions (including ancient Iranian religions) CR^N1cgr(QT3) (Cutter for Mithra, others)

12H · Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism CR1h; CR1b; CR1a

12I · Islam, Mohammedanism CR1i

12K · Celtic religion CR1^N1be(QT3) (Cutter for Celtic) (Alternatively could identify as ethnic group)

12L · Germanic and Scandinavian religions CR^N1cde(QT3); CR^N1be(QT3)(N3n North, or Cutter for Scandinavia)

12M · Slavonic and other European and Central-Asian religions (including Basque, Finnish, and Magyar religions) Each of these can be designated as above with connections to places and times. For this subclass and below it is possible to identify particular religions in these ways and/or through Cutter numbers.

12N · traditional Chinese religions CR^N1ccn QT6 can be used for traditional here and below.

12O · Shinto CR^N1cjp (Cutter for Shinto)

12P · tribal religions of South-East Asia CR^N1ba(N3se)

12Q · African tribal religions CR^N1bf

12R · American Indian religions CR^N1bn

12S · Australian and Polynesian/Melanesian religions CR^N1bu; CR^N1bo

12T · Arctic religions (Siberian-, Lapp-, Eskimo-religions) CR^N1be(N3n); CR^N1bn(N3n)

12U · miscellaneous religions, cults and doctrines Don’t need such a general class (which is not subdivided in ECONCLASS).

13 · magic, supernaturalism, occultism CRw

13A · general phenomena ~ magic and supernaturalism (spirits, ghosts, etc.) CR6ag is ghost

13B · witchcraft, sorcery CRwia witch is I (CRwia) Can associate with gender. Witch at work: I (CRwia)With devil or demons ^CR6ad Persecution of rr (punishing)

13C · magic signs and objects (numbers, words, etc.) CRw(QI8) Can designate mathematical signs X(QI8)^CRw Gestures gm(rt)^CRw Dances CE2^CRw Homunculus G(QC8QM6)^CRw small artificial human. ICONCLASS also has mandrake which can either be a plant used in magic or a demon. The former would be in a detailed classification of flora (in progress); the latter would be CR6ad (Cutter)

13D · enchantment (evil eye, transformation, healings, etc.) CRwgt I Evil eye may merit Cutter designation. Healing is HDTransform is gt

13E · divination, prognostication ~ magic TM0f^CRw Forecasts associated with witchcraft Subdivisions as above. We can capture ‘trance’ by altered states of consciousness GA1c

13F · microcosmos ~ macrocosmos How humanity is influenced by planets etc., antipathy and sympathy of things in nature G^N captures the general idea and could be clarified in multiple ways.

13G · superstition, popular belief ib CRw believing witchraft? IH3 → TT Misguided theory

13H · parapsychology GA3x is extra-sensory perception. TF(GA3x) is study of.

14 · astrology TF(Z→gt I) Study of how planets affect humans

14A · astrologer at work I(TF(Zgt I)) →

14B · horoscope TF(Z→gt I)^N2 Do we need a more precise designator? Could use Cutter here.

14C · astrological signs and symbols TF(Z→gt I)(QI8)

2 · Nature N

20 · 'Natura' (allegorical figure or scene; or as Diana of Ephesus, with many breasts); 'Natura' (Ripa) This is fairly vague but can in general be captured by ‘imitating nature’: ri N

21 · the four elements, and ether, the fifth element ME are elements ; ME(QT6) denotes traditional elements

21A · air (one of the four elements) NT5a Associated spirits here and below CR6g^

21B · earth (one of the four elements) NT1z

21C · fire (one of the four elements) ND7

21D · water (one of the four elements) MMH2O

21E · ether as 'quinta essentia' NT5e(QT6)

22 · natural phenomena N again

22A · matter M codes for all chemicals

22B · electricity and magnetism ne Transmitting electric current nm Magnetizing

22C · light nl Lighting Natural QM6 artificial QM6 supernatural ^CR2g reflection QW6 colour N7 transparent QQ1 (clear) darkness QA6 is bright/dull (captures darkness of a surface) QN2 is bright/dark (captures darkness of a place) shadow ^ darkness?

22D · sound N8 loud QC5 (more) soft QC6 (less) echo QW6 silence N8 sound barrier (we will likely code for barrier under X and then ^N8)

22E · temperature NC1 for climate; QH1 chemical quality heat QC5 cold QC6 thermometer ie QH1 scale X\ie QH1

23 · time N2

23A · allegory of Time and Eternity ri N2; ri N2lm

23B · period of more than one year N2h Various time periods can be translated into N2 terminology

23C · year, solar year N2g Lunar year ^moon Sidereal year ^stars Representation of QI8

23D · seasons of the year (esp. personifications); 'Stagione', 'Le quattro stagione dell'anno' (Ripa) N2f ICONCLASS compounds with planets, zodiac (see above), occupations (SO); also for some reason allows year to be divided into 2-6 seasons. Note that the four standard seasons are coded (n,s,w,e) in BCC and other seasons could be added.

23E · seasons of the year represented by scenes showing human activities, usually in a landscape N2f(QI8(various))

23F · seasons of the year represented by landscapes N2f(QI8(N)) seasons symbolized by nature

23G · seasons of the year represented by still lifes of flowers and/or fruits N2f(QI8(F))

23H · seasons of the year represented by concepts other than personifications, human activities, landscapes, or still lifes of flowers and/or fruits (e.g. biblical scenes) N2f(QI8(various)) again

23I · the twelve months (especially personifications); 'Mese in generale' (Ripa) N2e

Months can be treated as seasons are above.

23K · the twelve months represented by scenes showing human activities, usually in a landscape; so-called 'labours of the months'

23L · the twelve months represented by landscapes

23M · the twelve months represented by still lifes of flowers and/or fruits

23N · the twelve months of the year represented by concepts other than personifications, human activities, landscapes, or still lifes of flowers and/or fruits

23O · zodiac; the twelve zodiacal signs together TF(Z→gt I)(QI8)^N2e Can be associated with the different seasons (above) and with body parts

23P · weeks N2d

23Q · days of the week N2c Can identify these N2p is Saturday Tomorrow is N2cN2u (day after) Yesterday is N2cN2t

23R · day and night N2n N2b is hour

23S · the empires of the world N1v ancient kingdoms These can be identified by time and/or place or using Cutter numbers. Associated with Bible is ^CR6>CR1c (Cutter for Bible)

23T · historical epochs N2z is geological periods Others can be identified by range of years. Associated with Bible is ^CR6>CR1c (Cutter for Bible)

23U · chronology Calendar T7p (N2g) Picture of year Instrument for measuring time ie N2

24 · the heavens (celestial bodies) In the very near future I intend to flesh out class Z celestial bodies. The entries in this subclass refer to various bodies and their representation in the sorts of ways that other subjects have been treated above.

24A · sun as celestial body We can treat sunrise and sunset with up and down arrows. And use directions for position of the sun. Eclipse can be moon ga nl / Sun (or Earth from moon)

24B · moon as celestial body Phases can be captured with large, small, right, left

24C · planets (except the earth)

24D · stars

24E · astronomical phenomena

24F · firmament, sky NT5

24G · spheres ~ heavens Seems to refer to heaven: Top atmosphere associated with religion?

25 · earth, world as celestial body

25A · maps, atlases T4d Of continents N1b – T4d Mapmaking gc T4d

25B · continents represented allegorically N1b(QI8) Europe N1be(QI8) etc.

25C · geological phenomena Volcano ND5 [ND is disasters] Terrestrial magnetism Earth nm

25D · rock types; minerals and metals; soil types R; NR2, MTM ; NR5 Mining Oil/gas extraction will be captured under EO9

25E · geological-chronological division; historical geology; geological era N2z TF8g^TF1

25F · animals This and most subclasses will be captured as class F is developed. Combinations with man, used symbolically, sex and age of (SG, SA), anatomy of, behavior of (ia), moving (gm), death and disease (HD, HM), products of (gc) are easily dealt with through combination; study of (TF8b)

25G · plants; vegetation Same as for animals above. Plant parts: Part of is {} Growth is

25H · landscapes N or NT With water NT4 Ideal NT(QE5) Add – A to signify art as necessary

25I · city-view, and landscape with man-made constructions N1g – A ; NT^NB – A Tower, castle, ruins, monument will be captured by clarifying class NB

25K · landscapes in the non-temperate zone, exotic landscapes We signal climate with NC1 and subclasses. Exotic is QM2 unfamiliar

25L · cities represented allegorically or symbolically N1g (QI8)

25M · the Seven Wonders of the World Monuments with Cutter for Seven, specifics

25N · fictitious countries N1c(QI5) Cutter for specific

26 · meteorological phenomena

26A · clouds Low medium High Fog/Haze NC2xx N3u is up/down N3um is medium

26B · rain NC2 Dew Rainbow NC2xx Drought NC2

26C · winds NC4 by direction, force through combination; No wind NC4 Wind as human face GNxx →ri NC4 weathervane ie NC4 Calm NC4

26D · frost, freezing weather Snow Hail Ice NC2xx Thaw Severe winter N2fw(QE2)

26E · thunderstorm NC2xx Lightning ne > NC2xx Electric transmission in thunderstorm

26F · good and bad weather NC(N2v)(QE2) ; NC(N2v)(QE2) Consequences of

26G · mirage, 'fata morgana' Reflection distant (objects or sky) QW6(N3p)

26H · still other meteorological phenomena NC2xx

29 · surrealia, surrealistic representations This is a class and subclasses of imitations →ri ; each subclass can be represented as something →ri something else

29A · animals acting as human beings

29B · plants behaving as human beings or animals

29C · objects coming to life, e.g. puppets

29D · natural forms in stones, wood, clouds, etc. interpreted as representations

3 · Human Being, Man in General G

31 · man in a general biological sense G

31A · the (nude) human figure; 'Corpo humano' (Ripa) GNx(GM2) Body without clothes. Front N3f/side N3 r or l for left, right/back N3b ¾ profile (can link N3l to either a qualifier of perhaps some mathematical clarifier in class X); direction of movement can be captured by linking gm to directions; sex and age by SG and SA; expression by linking to emotions GE; can likewise link to disablilities SD or the five senses GA3 or anatomy GN, physical needs GM, hygiene (H for health may serve here); pretending to cure is →riHD; body as machine is NAxx ri GN

31B · mind, spirit GA1 consciousness may serve here. Subconscious is GA1a Sleep is HS. Dream is GA1b. Vision is GA1b(HS) dream while not sleeping; hypnosis is rs GA1 control consciousness; the mind affected by drugs is EO9xx gt GA1; expressions as above; wise QV8; foolish QV8 ; Versus QV8 ~(→rx) QV8 Note: ~(→rx) is compare of type conflict

31C · spirit (or soul) versus body GA1 ~(→rx) GN [Could employ →sg gaining a soul]

31D · human life and its ages (young, adult, old, etc.) SA and various subclasses. Rejuvenation can be captured literally as improved health or as ↓SA; unnatural aging likewise as ↑SA or perhaps ↑↑SA.

31E · death of human being HM; cause is →HM; raise from dead →gt \HM Life versus death HM ~(→rx) HM (there should perhaps be a better way of signaling life than ‘not death’) Corpse GN^HM

31F · symbols and personifications of Deathri HM

31G · the soul During life, at death, after death, eternal through combinations sg gaining a soul

32 · human types; peoples and nationalities SE

32A · human types Temperaments captured by IP personality dimensions; Fat versus thin QP2; Emotions by GE; Caricature is →ri

32B · human races; peoples; nationalities SE and subclasses, links to culture, sex, age

32C · scientific classification of human races TF(SE)

33 · relations between individual persons IR

33A · non-aggressive relationships Diverse set of subclasses: friend is IR5; Neighbour is IR^N1 relationship associated with location; saving another is ga HI preventing injury; bringing gift EI3d is gift-giving; visiting gmrt moving to talk; taking leave gm N3t moving away; salute gm(rt)^GNxx move of type talk associated with hand; need Cutter to distinguish from wave etc.

33B · aggressive relationships, enmity, animosity IR^→rx Can associate with violence, swords or guns, running, abduction, or killing

33C · relations between the sexes IR^SG; Love is GE1; Lust is GE9l; Sex is GM5; homosexual sex is GM5h or GM5l; Can link to verbs like achieving or attempting; Prostitution is sex of type paying; the onesided relationships spoken of can perhaps be captured with QQ9 unbalanced; Im/potency can be captured by linking IP physical ability or IE energy level to GM

34 · man and animal G^FK5

34A · taming and training of animals rs FK5 feeding rs FK5—GM1 housing FK5—NB2 hygienic care of rs FK5—H esthetic modification rs FK5—IA sex of FK5—SG harnessing, saddling rs FK5—EO9xx exercising rs FK5—HE breeding rs FK5—HF taming rsgt FK5 training dog rs FK5xx making money from animals (rs FK5)rp tormenting animals GE6(N2s)\FK5

34B · domestic animals, kept in and outside the house FK5 (QM4) can be qualified by inside and outside. Other subclasses are same as just above or kinds of animals

34C · protection of animals gaQE7 FK5 (facilitate safe) safe from torment gaQE7(GE6(N2s)\FK5) Wildlife parks FK5 (QM4) —NB6 Other subclasses same as above [which is a further indication of the value of a synthetic approach]

34D · control and eradication of injurious animals What is really meant here is decrease population: HP Other subclasses same as above, or refer to certain kinds of animal, or need the qualifier ‘contemporary’ QT3

34E · restraint of animals ga FK5 collection of animals is ∑ dangerous animals are FK5(QE7) Tied is N6w Other subclasses same as above

34F · man and (wild) animal Animals threatening man FK5→ib !rh (N2m) G (threat is a perhaps cumbersome predicting about future hurt) Animals taking care of man FK5 →rh G Other subclasses same as above

34G · man disguised as animal G or I →ri FK5 Other subclasses same as above

35 · pastorals, Arcadian scenes N(QR3) harmonious nature

36 · man and environment G^N

36A · environmental conservation, protection gaQE7 N cleanup is →N--Q

36B · environmental destruction →N--Qpollution EO →ga N--Q

4 · Society, Civilization, Culture S or C

41 · material aspects of daily life Pretty vague; could be GM or EO

41A · housing NB2 ; interior NB2i ; parts NB2r for rooms NB2y for windows NB2w for walls decorations NB2 – QA2 ; annexes NB1^NB2 ; garden NB6g ; furniture NB2a ; architecture TF(gcNB2) ; use of house iu NB2 ; ruin NB1 or NB2(gc)

41B · heating and lighting NB2c and NB2b; fire for heating ND7\NB2c (admittedly this is not fire in the sense of a disaster but it is still best to have the one most logical place for a term in the classification) ; house on fire ND7(NB2) ; firefighting ga ND7; hearth NB1f , stove will be a subclass of NB or NA

41C · nutrition, nourishment HN and GM1 ; kitchen NB2r Cutter for kitchen and other room types or subdivide NB2r ; drinking is a subclass of GM1 ; table and tableware are subclasses of NA; feast CE9^GM1 festival associated with eating; family meal GM1^SF ; food EO9 (GM1) drinks EO9(GM1) again should distinguish cannibalism GM1/G

41D · fashion, clothing CE5 ↕ and GM2 ; folk clothing is CE5 ; making clothing is gc GM2 ; at home ^NB2 ; pattern T7p \gc GM2 ; materials for NM \gc GM2 ; dressing (iu GM1)(increased wearing of clothes) ; undressing (iu GM1) ↓ ; function of clothes GM1 \ various ; worn clothes GM1(QP5) ; cleaning GM1(QQ2) ; sewing GM1 (N6i) (cause clothing sewed); nude GM1

41E · still life of miscellaneous objects Various. The idea of realistic portrayal can be captured with the qualifier QQ8 (familiar)

42 · family, descendance SF

42A · procreation, birth and (early) youth GM5\HF ; HF0 ; SA5 ; mother IR1^SG2 and baby (IR1^SG2)^SA1 ; pregnancy (IR1^SG2)^SA0 ;

42B · parents with their children IR1 ; with love IR1(GE1) ; without IR1(GE1) ; filial love (IR1^SA5)^GE1 ; lack of (IR1^SA5)^GE1 ; adoption gc IR1 / PI3b (achieving parent-child relationship by legal documents) orphan SA5(IR1) (child without parent-child relationship) ; family life SF – C ; punishing children rr SA5 ; child leaving parents SA5 gx IR1

42C · period of adolescence SA4 teenagers ; initiation rites CE1^SA4 ; maidens is teenage woman without sex. SA4(SG1)(GM5)

42D · betrothal and marriage PI3c (SM3) is marriage ; betrothal is PI3c (iiSM3) contract intending marriage; ceremony SM3—CE1 ; divorce SM6 ; mistress GM5>SM3(sexual relationship outside marriage) ; unmarried SM1 ; repudiating one’s wife ii SM6

42E · burial rites CE1^HM ; preparing corpse gt GN^HM ; graves (GN^HM)–NB; cult of the dead HM—CR; social readjustment to death: This is very vague but can be captured by death transforming HMgt

42F · household management; housewife at work rs NB2 ; housewife SG1(SO0) woman not in labor force (could add supervising household); shopping in general rp ; household chores generally involve cleaning NB2(QQ2) ; repairing ga N2w NB2 ; household accidents HI>NB2 ; servants SOxx ; badly run house NB2(QQ2) (unclean)

42G · family, relationship, descent SF, perhaps flesh out SF4 on kinship systems

42Z · exotic and non-monogamous family forms SM4; could subdivide

43 · recreation, amusement

43A · festivities CE9 festivals which can be linked to eating/drinking as above, to moving for parade, to dancing, to decoration as above, to competition, to speeches, to animals for circus, private versus public (QB7)

43B · recreation HE subdivided by places: inside NB1i, outside >N, park NB6, zoo is NB6z , gallery T6 T6(A), beach NT4a, playground NB6p, forest NT2f

43C · sports, games and physical performances CE8 The subclasses are mostly kinds of sports, which can be achieved through subdivision or combination. Organization for, quarrels or accidents in, children’s are all easily achieved through combination

43D · other leisure time activities Very vague. Subsets are collecting ga ∑ and hobbies might best be signaled by combining play ig and create gc

44 · state; law; political life

44A · symbols of the state (in general) PI1(QI8) (particular countries are classed under N) Cutter to distinguish flag, coat of arms etc.

44B · government, the State; 'Politica', 'Auttorità o Potestà' (Ripa) PI2a ; Legislatures PI2b ; Ruler PI2r ; Water control administration P!2l (NT3) ; Diplomat SO(PI1 ↔rt PI1) ; law-giving power PI1 gc PI3a ; Good and bad government PI2a(QE2) or PI2a(QE2)

44C · the citizen and his rights I>PI1 TF5ac; Right to vote TF5ac (I → PI2g) ; Freedom of the press TF5ac (GA6a); Demonstration PI2i ; Racial emancipation can mean many things, such as giving all groups the right to vote SE → PI2g ending slavery gc EI6a

44D · administrative bodies Bureaucracy is PI2f Regulatory agency is PI2l ; Civil servant is SO(PI2f) ; Can compound by function

44E · government services, public services PI2a rs various tasks

44F · revolution, revolt PI2k Riots PI2j ; Civil War PI2k (gxPI1) Revolution to separate state ; Revolutionary government PI2a N2v PI2k ; Pre-revolutionary government PI2a N2t PI2k ; State of emergency PI2a /PI5a (N2a) temporary government by military

44G · law and jurisprudence PI3a and TF (PI3a) ; Judge SO(ie^PI3a) ; There are a host of subdivisions here dealing with various aspects of the law. See my detailed translation of the DDC classification of law elsewhere on this site (but note that some small changes have been made to BCC since that translation was performed).

45 · warfare; military affairs PI1 ↔rxgm PI1 and PI5a

45A · war and peace PI1 ↔rxgm PI1 and PI1 ↔rxgm PI1 ; Have subdivided military PI5a by army, navy etc. ; can do ranks with Cutter perhaps ; victory is rsrx >PI1 ↔rxgm PI1 ; Situation of the terrain is NT^war ; weapons EO9 \ PI1 ↔rxgm PI1 ; non-belligerents I^(NT^war) ; fifth column P!5a (QI3) secret army

45B · the soldier; the soldier's life SO7 Can be subdivided by branch through links to PI5a subdivisions; Training is PE/SO7 ; before enlisting I N2t SO7 ; after being soldier I N2u SO7; ; Discipline rs SO7 ; celebration CE9(PI5a) ; off-duty SO7 ia ; desertion PI3a (I → ^ \ SO7)

45C · (military) equipment and supply Subdivisions as above, plus food, clothing, shelter, medical care, pay, music, and religion, all of which are easily achieved synthetically

45D · insignia; division of armed forces; ranks PI5a(QI8)

45E · communication and transportrt and →gm (NB5); Vehicles EO925102 [war vehicles]; Animals FK5 ; Engineering TF (T3) All combined with \PI5a

45F · preparation for battle iv \ PI1 ↔rxgm PI1 ; Mobilizing iv(SO7) \ PI1 ↔rxgm PI1 ; Intelligence services PI5a^→ipQL3 PI1 ; Address by general before battle →rt N2t PI1 ↔rxgm PI1 (We could subdivide PI5a military by rank and service) (we might distinguish battle from war with some temporal qualifier, perhaps N2a temporary); ditto religious service CR9 before battle ; treason is PC(rh PI1) ; attack rcrx

45G · defensive measures (military) PI5agaQE7 ; Cutting communication lines ga rt

45I · after the battle Prisoner of war SO7 > PI5d ^ PI1 ↔rxgm PI1; Hostage SO7 > PI5d ^ PI1 ↔rxgm PI1; Truce (PI1 ↔rxgm PI1)(N1a) temporary peace ; Negotiations for truce gcrt ; Repeats victory and defeat (see 45A).

45K · siege, position war rs N3i N1f control outside of local area ; ending siege gc (rs N3i N1f) ; fortification →QE7 ; Siege lead to capture is siege cause occupy (just below)

45L · occupation ~ war rs N1 ; Surrender rd rsrx demonstrates defeat; plunder PC2^ PI1 ↔rxgm PI1 property crime associated with war; Destroy gc

45M · non-combatants ~ war I^(NT^war) ; and soldiers (I^(NT^war))^SO7 ; interned I^(NT^war)>PI5d [internment camp versus concentration camp is a matter of judgment] ; fugitives I^(NT^war)^HG2 ; under bombardment I^(NT^war)^gc

46 · social and economic life, transport and communication

46A · communal life Social groups S ; Stratification S—QC1; Relations between ethnic groups SE ; Communication across languages rsCL ; Organizations PI4 ; Primitive social structure S(QT6) ; Unusual manners of living C(QQ8)

46B · trade, commerce and finance EI3: organization of ; Transactions rp ; locations for NB8a is stores ; international trade EO4 ; dumping rp N3a (EO7a (→ EO9)) paying below cost; espionage ip QI3(E) ; boycott ; effects of rp

46C · traffic and transportgm E0978; can be subdivided by type using subclasses of EO978 ; powered by is →ge ; animals in FK5> ; arrival and departure is →gm(N2x) and →gm (N2x); accident HI^→gm (NB5); unusual way of riding an animal (iu FK5 / →gm)(QQ8) ; tourism HG5

46D · press, journalism oral communication rt (GA2) ; newspaper EO955101504 same with pamphlets and magazines EO955101506 [UNSPC has no entry for pamphlets]; journalist is SO(rt) ^EO955101504 or other media outlet

46E · post, telegraph and telephone; means of communication EO98311 Telecommunications media services ; Messenger I→gm /rt ; post office EO9781022 ; signaling visually rt (→riQI8)(GA3a) ; acoustically rt (→riQI8)(GA3b) ; determining location ip N1

47 · crafts and industries

47A · industrial structures NB3 ; subclasses of interior, exterior, before, after, technology, workers, institutions of all easily achieved synthetically

47B · handicrafts and industries EO9 same subdivisions as above

47C · industrial processes, handling of materials gc can be combined with what is created and/or the materials MN used ; Cleaning (QQ2) ; Dividing gx ; removing the same or ma ; combining gx smoothing mr QA3 (rub polished) ; casting QM3 ; shaping N5; boring mb N51 (cutting holes)

47D · machines; parts of machines; tools and appliances TI1m and TI1t ; parts of N3i (inside); damage gc or ga; powered by →ge combined with air, water etc.

47E · organization of craft and industry EI2 ; Corporation EI1a, Guild EI2d ; Union PI8d ; Professional organization EI8b ; Personnel SO> (workers in)

47F · before and after production N2t, N2u ; Planning it! N2m, Storing gh, Preparing iv, Sorting ic, Loss gh, Damage gc

47G · building activities gc NB ; building site N(gc NB), laying foundations gc NB1z, outbuildings NB^NB2, materials NM \ gc NB, tools TI1t \ gc NB , transport →gm NM \ gc NB, technology TI\ gc NB , demolition gc NB

47H · textile industry and clothing industry EO97314 ; materials NM \ EO97314 ; preparatory processes N2t gc; manufacture gc ; yarn EO9yy ; finishing gc (N2x) ; cloth EO9xx

47I · agriculture, cattle-breeding, horticulture, flowerculture, etc. EO91 ; →ar EO910101516 (reproducing cattle); EO97011 is horticulture [Note that UNSPC unfortunately separates agricultural products from agricultural services.]; land clearing is gt N \EO91

47K · commercial fishery EO9701 (or perhaps more precise subclasses) ; sea and coastal ^N3o ; fresh water ^N3f ; making nets gc TI1t \ EO9701 making tools for fishing; use Cutter for nets possibly.

47L · shipbuilding industry gc EO92511 ; launch gc (N2x) EO92511

48 · art A

48A · art and the public; styles and ornaments connoisseur is A or APxx, supporter rh A (note that ICONCLASS combines the preceding two quite different subclasses), critic APxx, competition rc (A), honoring artist rd AA , conservation →∩A, damaging gcA, presenting/performing rd A or →ia A (note that these are quite different things) , collecting iv ∑, styles AT , types of art A , creating art gc A,

48B · artist (in general) AA , at work AA gc A, not at work AA gc A , organizations for PI4(A), materials for NM\A

48C · the arts; artists Architecture A>NB , sculpture AN2 , applied art or industrial design A\EO ; photography AR3; music AR4 ; theatre AR1 ; literature AN3,4 ; painting and drawing AN1 and AN8

49 · education, science and learning PE, T

49A · education PE ; allegories of →riQI8 PE; study it ^PE

49B · scholastic education, tuition Symbol; Building NB(PE) ; Teacher SO(PE) ; Lesson N2\ rt (PE); Student I > PE; Discipline →rs (I > PE) ; Mark/Grade ie I > PE; Degree ga (N2x) PE1 ; Tuition I→rp (PE) ; Teaching aid TI1t \PE ; Nursery school PE8 ; Elementary PE5; further PE3 is high school PE4 middle school; university PE1 (PE2 for community colleges)

49C · aspects of science in general T2 Scientist SO(T2); at work ia; not ia; portrait of SO(T2) – AN1; clothes SO(T2) – EO9xx; research TM0 ; divulging results rt TM0 ; natural processes →^N; plagiarism PC2>T2 ; false results TM0h ; symbolic representations of science →riQI8 T2 ; liberal arts TF6+7; philosophy TF5 ; philosopher SO(TF5) ; dialogue SO(T2) ↔rt SO(T2)

49D · mathematics TF9 and various subdivisions TF9a is algebra ; ICONCLASS subdivides and makes the connections as for science in general above

49E · science and technology Astronomy TF8aa; Physics TF8a; Chemistry TF8c; Geology TF8g ; Crystallography TF8cxx or TF8c Cutter; Technology T3; Meteorology TF (NC), Laboratory TM1 – N1; Experiment TM1 (Note that there are several other methods that should also be captured)

49F · biology TF8b ; Botany TF8bxx ; Zoology TF8bxx ; Physical anthropology TF7axx or Cutter or links to plants etc.

49G · medicine, medical science TF(H) ; Doctor SOxx; patient I^HD?HI ; medical exam TM3xx ; hospital NB(H) ; specialized institutions (unclear what this means; might be PI4 organizations) ; psychology TF7p ; pharmacy TF(H^EO9xx) ; popular medicine TF(H)QE9 ; illegal medicine PC (TF(H))

49H · social sciences TF7 ; Sociology TF7s ; Folklore TF7sxx ; Cultural anthropology TF7ayy

49I · geography TF7g ; Exploration ipit N1

49K · historical disciplines TF1; of art A – TF1; archaeology TF1^TM7 ; philology CL – TF1

49L · writing and letters GA6b Letters T7a ; Idiographic T7a(QI8) ; for special purposes T7a \ specify ; calligraphy GA6b(QA1) ; tools GA6b – TI1t ; accessories GA6b – EO9; handwriting GA6b; inscription GA6b > NA

49M · production of printed matter, book-production gc T4 ; Other means of multiplying texts ri T4 ; printed matter T4 ; decoration of T4 (QA2) ; bookbinding gx T4 (combining text?) ; publishing gc T4 (sales would use rp) ; bookstore NB8a(T4) ; library T8 ; ownership (ex libris) T4 – EI1

49N · reading GA6a ; to somebody rtGA6a ; accessories GA6a – EO9xx

5 · Abstract Ideas and Concepts

51 · Generalities Personification I^→riQI8; Allegorical scene (two or more personifications) →riQI8; symbolic representation QI8 ; emblematic representation QI8 (specify of what, generally another quality) ; representation of exemplary event (QE2 can capture ‘desirable’ or ‘good’, NE is event; situation or event with symbolic connotation again use QI8

51A · Existence and Modes of Existence Materiality gb NM (being material) ; Existence gb ; Presence gb>N1 ; Essence Q is property of in general ; Perfection QE5 ; Irreducibility QC8QC5 (more small) ; Known itQI4 (think true)

51B · Kinds of Relation Relation (Need to specify which kind) ; Similar QC9 ; Identical QC9QC5 ; Equal same as identical – could be associated with XN for ‘number’; Normal QQ8 ; Imitation →ri

51C · Causation → ; Necessity QF1

51D · Order and Disorder Order QR5 ; Harmony ^QE1 (associated with successfully) ; Symmetry N5(QQ9) (balanced shape) ; Beauty QA1 ; Balance QQ9

51E · Hierarchical Order QC or QR ; Independent QR3 ; Superior QC1 ; Coherence QR5 ; Conformity QR4 (homogenous)

51F · Temporal Relationship N2 Before N2t ; Priority →N2t (cause before) ; Ongoing N2l ; Simultaneous N2v; Beginning N2x (for the first time) ; Frequency N2s for regularity combined with some measure of quantity from class X or N3n for number ; Regular N2s ; Middle (unclear what this means: could combine QC9 for medium with whatever is meant here)

51G · Some Characteristics of Matter QP ; Large N3vQC5 (more volume) ; Heavy N3xQC5 ; Tough QP9 ; Hard QP1 ; Visible QQ1 (clear); Smooth QP3

51H · Quantity and Degree The whole ; Universality (these first two will be captured in the class X) ; Plenitude QC5 ; Multitude QC7 ; Growth

51I · Space N1 ; Limited space N1(QC8) ; Location subclasses of N1 ; Near N3p ; Middle N3m ; High N3a for above could be combined with QC5 for more

51K · Aspects of Change Change →gt ; Mutability gagt (allowing change); Substitution gcri (combines create and imitate); Evolution ee ; Reaction gx ME (combining chemicals)

51L · Types of Motion gm ; regular gm (N2s) ; in direction gmN3t or other subclasses of N3 ; ascent gmN3u ; forward gmN3f

51M · Quality of Motion gm – Q ; fast gmQT1

52 · Reasoning and Formation of Ideas Note that this subclass has the same general subdivisions as were addressed in 51 above.

52A · Intelligence and Intellectual Faculties II ; Forethought IC3 ; Memory GA6c ; Imagination IO2 ; Knowledge itQI4 (think true); Truth itQI4 (think true) (same thing?) ; Omniscience II(QE5) (perfect intelligence)

52B · Reasoning it ; Thinking same thing ; Belief →ib ; Expectation →ib ! N2m (belief about future) ; Verification ieQI4 (evaluate true) ; Rationality GA4a (note that there are at least four other types of decision-making)

52C · Understanding and Misunderstanding Consideration it ! rt (thinking about talking received); Affirmation ieQI4 rt← ; Acknowledgment ip rt←; Understanding GA6(rt←) ; Theory TT

52D · Communication of Thought (qualitative aspects) rt ; clarity rtQQ1 ; verbosity rtQC7 ; eloquence rtQE3 ; rumor →rt (IH2)

52E · Communication of Thought (answer and question) Answer ga T7k (achieve answer) ; Prediction →ib ! N2m (same as expectation just above) ; Counsel rh/rt (helping by talking)

53 · Will, Volition Note that this subclass has the same general subdivisions as were addressed in 51 above.

53A · Characteristics of Will IC Determination IC5

53B · Acts of the Will Acceptance IE1 ; Decisiveness GA4 ; Self-control IE2 ; Willingness ii (intending); Obedience ID2; Discipline (how is this different from self-control?) ; Fulfilment ID7

53C · Authority and Subordination rs ; Predominance SR (I →rs) ; Command I →rs

53D · Intersocial Volition Offer ro ; Promise rtii (talk intend) ; Intercession rtrx (talk conflict)

54 · Process of Action

54A · State of Being while Doing Activity ia ; Carefulness IC2 ; Competence QF3 ; Calmness IE2 (as with self-control) ; Goodness QE2 ; Helpfulness IF4 ; Strength ID3 ; Courage IS3 (adventurous) (Note that we have here a subset of personality traits mixed with a couple of general properties that are evaluative in nature.)

54B · Means and Characteristics of Means Indispensable QF1 ; Useful QF3 ; Efficient QE1 (successful which captures the common meaning) ; Worth/Value ga CV1 (achieves human goals) ; Important ga CV1(QF3) ;

54C · Intention, Purpose, Aim Purposefulness IC4 (organization); Recommendation rt(QE2); Influence → ; Temptationrt(QI2)→ia (suggest action)

54D · Procedure Prepare iv ; Act ia ; Complete gc (N2x) ; Facility QE6 (suitable); Safety QE7 ; Custom CV4

54E · Reciprocal Action Cooperation rc ; Guidance rt(QE2) (as with recommend above) ; Accord idrc (decide cooperate); Defence gaQE7 (achieve safe)

54F · Fortune and Misfortune Success QE1 ; Victory rsrx (control conflict)

55 · Property

55A · Acquisition and Loss rp ; Profit EO6 Loss EO6b

55B · Possession EI1 ; Wealth EI1 / I means net worth of individual ; Luxury Can attach QC! Superior to goods, or indicate high price ; Middle income EO/ I(QC9)

55C · Use of Property Spending rp ; Giving EI3d ; Lending →rp \rp←EO7 (paying for receiving interest); Taking gt EI1 rp (transform ownership no paying) ; Sharing rcEI1 (cooperating ownership)

56 · Emotion GE

56A · Feeling Sensation GE ; Excitation GE0 (emotional display)

56B · Joy and Sorrow Pleasure GE8 ; Happiness ID7 ; Satisfaction GE9g (pride) ; Amusement GE7 (humor)

56C · Aesthetic Sense GE9e ; Sense of beauty GE9e^QA1 ; Inspiration GE9e→ A ; Admiration A→GE9e

56D · Hope and Fear CV1b optimism ; Trust CV3d ; Confidence CV1b again

56E · Anger and Meekness GE2 ; Irritation GE2(QC8) ; Fury GE2(QC7)

56F · Desire and Aversion GE9l (lust) ; Love GE1

57 · Morality

57A · Good and Bad Behaviour, Moral QualitiesgaCV2b ; Sense of duty CV3m ; Conscience if GE4 (feeling guilt) ; Shame GE4 (guilt) ; Decency QE4 (pleasant) ; Virtuousness QV1 ; Benevolence IF4 ; Gratitude QB2 (thankful) ; Politeness CV4b

57B · Judgment of Conduct ie evaluating ; Praise rt /ie(QE2) (talk of good evaluation) ; Respect ie(QE2) ; Vindication idrc (agree)

58 · Creation

58A · Creation and Destruction gc and gc ; Originating gc N2x (creating for the first time); Procreation HF0 is birth ; Fertility HF

59 · Aspects of Social Conduct

59A · Man ~ Community Sociality IS ; Refinement /Taste QB8 ; Propriety QI3 (secret?) ; Elegance QB9 ; Hospitality id IF4 (displaying generosity)

59B · Social Position SR ; Everyman SR(QC9); Advancement gtSR; Reputation IH2 (view of others) ; Merit I→QE1 (individual characteristics that cause success) ; Dignity TF5ac>I (rights ‘in’ individual)

59C · Justice and Injustice CV3j ; Legality ~PI3a (compared to laws) ; Maintaining the law rs PI3a

6 · History

61 · historical events and situations; historical persons

61A · historical events and situations TF1 ; Persons I—TF1 ; Names of plants and animals F and subdivisions ; Countries N1c, regions N1b (bigger than countries) or N1d (smaller) , mountains NT1m , rivers, NT3r (note that BCC has many other geographic designators) , cities N3g ; historical buildings NB^TF ; artifacts NA ; organizations PI4 ; historical names (It may not be necessary in practice to signal ‘names of’ but this can be done by associating symbol QI8 with Title T7ct) History of is – TF

61B · historical persons (portraits and scenes from the life) I – TF1 ; Allegorical (I – TF1)(→riQI8) ; Mythological (I – TF1)(CS1) ; Portrait or Caricature I—AN1 or I—AN8 (could associate latter with humor GE7; historical persons not known by name I(QB6) anonymous person ; woman SG1

61C · proper names of plants and animals Plants subdivisions of FK Animals FK5

61D · geographical names of countries, regions, mountains, rivers, etc. There are no subdivisions of this and the next 5 subclasses; they were each addressed in 61A

61E · names of cities and villages

61F · names of historical buildings, sites, streets, etc.

61G · names of artefacts and man-made objects

61H · names of organizations, companies, trade unions, etc.

61I · names of historical events and situations

61K · (other) historical names We eschew such generalia classes but would instead indicate these others precisely through combination.

62 · visions of the futureib ! N2m is predicting; could be combined with ‘sight’ or some psychological state or trait.

7 · Bible CR6 Doctrine has subdivisions for religious figures in general and prophets and saints in particular. Individuals can then be indicated by Cutter numbers. The Bible will be designated, as will each book within (and chapters could also be designated). It is thus possible to identify each of the stories below by identifying books and key people. An important improvement could be achieved by indicating the nature of a story (e.g. Solomon deciding parenthood). This would help those who remember a story but not who was involved, and those seeking a particular type of story. This is done to some extent in the subdivisions (not listed here) but not in a manner that facilitates search by story type.

71 · Old Testament

71A · Genesis from the creation to the expulsion from paradise, and later years of Adam and Eve

71B · Genesis from the descendants of Cain and Seth to Abraham

71C · Genesis: the patriarchs

71D · Genesis: the story of Joseph

71E · Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua: from the bondage of the Israelites in Egypt to their settlement in Canaan

71F · the time of the Judges

71G · story of Saul

71H · story of David

71I · story of Solomon

71K · division of the Kingdom, and story of Israel, the Northern Kingdom

71L · the divided kingdom: story of the Southern Kingdom (Judah)

71M · story of Elijah (Elias)

71N · story of Elisha (Eliseus)

71O · prophets (before and during the Babylonian Captivity)

71P · the story of the prophet Daniel; his visions and prophecies

71Q · the story of Esther

71R · the books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esdras

71S · prophets (after the Babylonian Captivity)

71T · the book of Tobit

71U · the book of Judith

71V · the book of Jonah

71W · the book of Job

71X · the lyric books: Psalms and Song of Solomon

71Y · the books of Wisdom

71Z · (books of the) Maccabees

72 · typological juxtapositions and compositions

72A · typological juxtapositions

72B · comprehensive typological compositions

73 · New Testament

73A · (scenes from the life of) John the Baptist and Mary

73B · birth and youth of Christ

73C · public life of Christ: from his baptism until the Passion

73D · Passion of Christ

73E · events from Resurrection to Pentecost (Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20-21; Acts 1:3-11); Mary's and Joseph's death

73F · lives and acts of the apostles of Christ; epistles

73G · the Revelation of John, the Apocalypse

8 · Literature AN3 (AN4 is poetry) Works of literature will of course be classified by author and title as well as subject, and so users seeking particular works can easily find these. The BCC can be used to indicate the main actions or themes of a work.

81 · literary cycles Oddly, the only subdivision for any of the subclasses in 81 is “male characters in” which would be SG2>

81A · Arthurian legend : Use 81(ARTHURIAN LEGEND)

81B · 'Nibelungenlied' : Use 81(NIBELUNGENLIED)

81C · Dante, 'Divina Commedia' : Use 83(DANTE, Divina Commedia)

81D · Boccaccio, 'Decameron' : Use 83(BOCCACCIO, Decamerone)

81E · Ariosto, 'Orlando Furioso' : Use 83(ARIOSTO, Orlando Furioso)

81F · Tasso, 'Gerusalemme Liberata' : Use 83(TASSO, Gerusalemme Liberata)

81G · 'The Poems of Ossian' : Use 83(MACPHERSON, Poems of Ossian)

81H · other cycles : Use 81(...)

82 · literary characters and objects

82A · names of literary characters Characters can be denoted as individuals in I> Genders are SG1 and SG2

82B · names of fictional animals, plants, objects, etc. Fictional is QI5, animals FK5 so FK5(QI5) but it may not always be necessary to indicate ‘fictional’ if it is clear a character is from a work of fiction.

83 · specific works of literature Works of literature will of course be classified by author and title as well as subject, and so users seeking particular works can easily find these. The BCC can be used to indicate the main actions or themes of a work.

84 · tales and fairy tales CS2 (BCC also distinguishes myths and legends and riddles and sagas)

85 · fables CS5

85A · fables of Aesop : Use 85(...)

85B · fables of Lafontaine : Use 85(...)

85C · other fables : Use 85(...)

86 · proverbs, sayings, etc. CS7

9 · Classical Mythology and Ancient History Note that these are two quite different things. Myths are CS1. History is TF1 and can be combined with any time period in N2.

91 · myths about creation: cosmogony, theogony, and the origin of mangcZ—CS1 or →gcG—CS1 (myths of creating universe or humanity)

91A · genesis of the universe ~ classical mythology Earliest humans in myth G(N2x)—CS1 ; Love affairs GE1—CS1 ; most important deeds ia(QF3QC5) ; aggressive add ID6 ; non-aggressive add ID6 ; suffering ifQE2 (feeling bad) ; allegorical aspects →riQI8 ; attributes (very vague) ; offspring SA5 is children, IR1 is parent/child relationship ; elementary gods CR2g(QF3QC5) ; separation of elements gxME

91B · offspring of Uranus and Gaea (Titans, Cyclopes, Centimani) We can signify offspring as just above and employ Cutter numbers for particular mythological figures.

91C · the battles (of Titans, Giants, Typhon, Aloeids) with the gods ↔rxgm is battle/war; can indicate who is on each side

91D · division of the universe (among Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto) gxZ

91E · origin of mangcG—CS1 epochs: gold, silver, bronze, iron early man Can indicate Millennia with N2k; denote traditional with QT6; could alternatively associate N2 for time period with the chemical symbols so that iron age is N1/MEFe time of iron.

92 · gods ~ classical mythology CR2g—CS1 Here and elsewhere could use ∑ to signify multiple gods

92A · the Olympian gods together: Jupiter, Juno, Neptune, Ceres, Apollo, Diana, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Minerva, Vulcan, Vesta (or Bacchus) These can all be designated as CR2g with Cutter. We can distinguish the gods associated with different religions by CR2g>particular religion or time/place. Subclasses were added to CR6 to address monsters, nymphs, and satyrs.

92B · the great gods of Heaven, and their train

92C · the great goddesses of Heaven, and their train

92D · lesser divinities of Heaven ~ serving and attendant environment

92E · lesser divinities of Heaven ~ phenomena of air and sky

92F · lesser divinities of Heaven ~ birth and healing

92G · lesser divinities of Heaven ~ destiny, fate, adversity

92H · gods of the waters: Neptune and his environment

92I · gods of the waters: the older dynasty (first series): offspring of Pontus and the monsters of the sea

92K · gods of the waters: the older dynasty (second series): children of Oceanus, river and small water deities

92L · gods of the earth and fertility ~ life in mountains and woods

92M · gods of the earth and fertility ~ agriculture

92N · gods of the underworld

93 · meetings and dwellings of the gods ∑CR2g→rt and NB2/CR2g

93A · meetings of the gods Assembly can add CF3 for important ; Feast is CE9

93B · Olympus

93C · Parnassus, sacred to Apollo Musagetes

93D · Helicon, sacred to the Muses Fountain is NB6f

93E · Hades, the Underworld

93F · the Garden of the Hesperides Garden will be NB6g

93G · House of Sleep: a gloomy cave through which runs the river Lethe; possibly with two gates, one of ivory through which deceptive dreams issue, and one of horn through which true dreams issue

93H · cave of winds NT1x is cave

93I · other dwellings of the gods

94 · the Greek heroic legends (I) CS3(N1cgr) Particular legends can be captured with Cutter numbers and/or with synthetic description of the main actions.

94A · the story of the Argonauts: the quest for the Golden Fleece

94B · the Theban wars: the Seven against Thebes and the Epigoni

94C · the Trojan war (94C - 94H)

94D · the Trojan war: the journey to Troy

94E · the Trojan war: the arrival and the first nine years

94F · the tenth year of the Trojan war (part I); the wrath of Achilles: from the quarrel about Briseis to the death of Patroclus

94G · the tenth year of the Trojan war (part II): Achilles back to war; his last deeds and his death

94H · last months of the siege and the fall of Troy

94I · adventures of the Greeks after the fall of Troy: the wanderings of Ulysses (Homer, Odyssey)

94K · adventures of the Greeks after the fall of Troy: the return of other Greek heroes

94L · (story of) Hercules (Heracles)

94M · (story of) Theseus

94N · (story of) Meleager

94O · (story of) Orpheus

94P · (story of) Perseus

94Q · (story of) Orion

94R · (story of) the Dioscuri: Castor (the horse-tamer) and Pollux (the boxer)

94S · (story of) Bellerophon

94T · (story of) Oedipus

95 · the Greek heroic legends (II) CS3(N1cgr) Particular legends can be captured with Cutter numbers and/or with synthetic description of the main actions.

95A · the Greek heroic legends (II): heroes

95B · the Greek heroic legends (II): heroines

96 · Roman gods and legends CS3(N1cit) Particular legends can be captured with Cutter numbers and/or with synthetic description of the main actions.

96A · Roman deities, and foreign deities included in the classical Pantheon

96B · the story of Aeneas' wanderings to Italy (Virgil, Aeneid)

96C · heroes, male characters from the legendary origins of Rome

96D · heroines, female characters from the legendary origins of Rome

97 · metamorphoses ~ classical mythologygt > Transform in

97A · metamorphoses of male persons into trees SG2→gt>Fxx

97B · metamorphoses of male persons into plants and flowers SG2→gt>Fxx

97C · metamorphoses of male persons into mammals SG2→gt>FK5xx

97D · metamorphoses of male persons into birds SG2→gt>FK5xx

97E · metamorphoses of male persons into (fabulous) animals SG2→gt>FK5(QM8)

97F · metamorphoses of male persons into stone SG2→gt>R

97G · metamorphoses of male persons into stars and constellations SG2→gt>Z

97H · metamorphoses of male persons into water, air, or other elements SG2→gt>MEH2O others

97I · metamorphoses into islands I→gt>NT1i

97K · metamorphoses ~ sex SG2→gt>SG1 vice versa

97L · metamorphoses ~ age specify age group SA

97M · metamorphoses into various forms at willgt> specify

97N · metamorphoses of (fabulous) animals FK5(QM8) →gt>

97O · metamorphoses of objects, plants and flowers as above

98 · classical history TF1 of particular range of centuries N2j

98A · events and situations from classical history Allegorical and mythological were dealt with below. I would carefully distinguish myth from history. Busts can be designated by combining sculpture AN2 and a subdivision from human anatomy GN. Greek history is TF1(N1cgr). Roman history is TFi(N1cit) which can be associated with time period under N2j centuries.

98B · male persons from classical history SG2>TF1(N2xx)

98C · female persons from classical history SG1>TF1(N2xx)