EH 101 Syllabus

EH 101

CRN: 91283

3 Credit Hours

Prerequisites: none

Dr. Joseph Taylor

Morton Hall 206D

(256) 824-2363

Morton Hall 124

Office Hours: TTH 9:30-11am, MW 9-11am

Course Website

Course Description

This course will introduce you to argument analysis and argument writing through the lens of rhetoric. We will examine various arguments--spoken, written, and visual--that are relevant to our culture. Our analysis will address not merely these arguments' content but also the strategies at work within them.

Course Texts

Lunsford et al., Everything’s An Argument

Selzer and Carpini, Conversations: Readings for Writing

Lunsford, Easy Writer: A Pocket Reference 3rd edition

Assignments and Grading Percentages

All assignments are expected to be in 12 point font, Time New Roman. You will e-mail each assignment to me. I use Microsoft Word Comment to evaluate and grade your essays, so you should save your essay in a compatible form (either .doc, .docx, or .rtf).

10%-Paper 1 Draft 1: Rhetorical Analysis (1200-1500 words)

10%-Paper 1 Final Draft

20%-Paper 2: Rhetorical Analysis of a visual text (1200-1500 words)

10%-Argument Example Short-Paper (2 pages)

10%-Research Summary Short-Paper (2 pages)

10%-Paper 3 Draft 1: Stasis Argument (1700-2000 words)

20%-Paper 3 Final Draft

10%-Quizzes, Participation, Discussion

Grading System

Grades for assignments in this course are A+ to F though you will not receive credit for taking the course in your major with a grade below C.

97-100 A+ 93-96 A 90-92 A-

87-89 B+ 83-86 B 80-82 B-

77-79 C+ 73-76 C 70-72- C-

67-69 D+ 63-66 D 60-62 D-

0-59 F

Late Assignments

Assignments turned in after the due date will lose one full letter grade (A-B-C-D-F) each calendar day after the due date. You must turn your work in on time to be successful in this course. Computers and other devices with which you produce your assignments are fallible, so back up your work, do not wait until the last minute to produce your work, and contact me to assure I have received your work.


Class attendance is mandatory. While I am happy to meet with you to explain what you missed if you are absent from class periodically, absences are not distinguished between excused and unexcused. You must be in class to fully benefit from this course and, consequently, excessive absences will not be overlooked (no matter the excuse). If you miss more than 20% of the course you will receive an F for the course. For the Fall semester this constitutes six classes (so if you miss a seventh class you will receive an automatic F in the course). Please keep this in mind.

Class Conduct

All students in the class must treat others with civility and respect and conduct themselves during class sessions in a way that does not unreasonably interfere with the opportunity of other students to learn. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in points being deducted from a student’s final numerical average, up to a maximum of 15 points.

Academic Honesty

Your written assignments must be your own work. Academic misconduct will not be tolerated. To ensure that you are aware of what is considered academic misconduct, you should review carefully the definition and examples provided in Article III, Code of Student Conduct, Student Handbook, p. 93. If you have any questions in this regard, please contact me right away.

The Writing Center and the Student Success Center

The university’s Writing Center is located during the week in 123 Madison Hall (M-TH 9am-7pm, F 9am-3pm). At night and on the weekends, you may go to 115 CCRH (S-Th 6-8pm). The Writing Center offers free consulting for students, staff, and faculty wishing to discuss their writing at any stage of the writing process and on many different types of writing (essays, research papers, documenting sources, lab reports, developing ideas, etc.). It is recommended that you call (824-3384) or e-mail ( to schedule an appointment. For more information visit their website:

The Writing Center is housed within the Student Success Center. This university facility offers students a number of services from tutoring to time-management counseling to career advising. Get to know it. Use it while you are here. It is free to you and a great resource for your academic endeavors. Visit the Center’s website and learn about the specific programs and assistance the Center offers.

Disability Accommodation

The University of Alabama in Huntsville will make reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. If you need support or assistance because of a disability, you may be eligible for academic accommodations. Students should identify themselves to the Disability Support Office (824-6203, UC 113) and their instructor as soon as possible to ensure that appropriate accommodations are implemented in a timely manner. All discussions will remain confidential.