Raghu Bollapragada


Email: raghu.bollapragada@u.northwestern.edu

Office: C210, 2145 Sheridan Road, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208

I am actively looking for academic research positions starting from Fall 2019

Full CV [Download]


    • August, 2018: Awarded Mccormick terminal year fellowship
    • July, 2018: Check out the article featured on Intel AI about my work on progressive batching quasi-Newton methods
    • July, 2018: Presented in the mini symposium organized by Dr.Tamara G. Kolda and Dr. Jed Duersch at SIAM Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon
    • July, 2018: Presented in the session organized by Prof. Jorge Nocedal at ISMP, Bordeaux, France
    • June, 2018: Finished my research internship with Prof. Alexandre d’Aspremont at INRIA, Paris, France


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