Rocking the Kite World

Rocking the Kite World

Presented by Sandy Petry  Papillion, NE 

TYPE OF CLASS:   No Sew Project 

SKILL LEVEL:  All Skill Levels

CLASS SIZE:  Class Size - 15

TIMES OFFERED:  Offered Once

CLASS LENGTH:  Half Day Project

SIZE OF PROJECT: Kite Rocks are small and different sizes

NOTE:  Participants will be making multiple rocks with the opportunity to hide some Kite Rocks at the Taft Campus during the weekend!  

KIT PRICE:  Rocking the Kite World is $5 US

Sandy Petry Painted Rocks

Join Sandy in painting Kite Rocks!  

Bring your imagination and Sandy will supply everything else!  Participants will have an opportunity to make several and you can hide them at Taft if you would like to.