A Letter from the Nurse

Hello to all Parents!

I'm hoping that this finds you well and enjoying some traditional summer fun. Aside from some of our power issues, the weather has been nice and cooperative for most outdoor activities.

I know that being mindful of our new normal since the Covid 19 pandemic can be confusing and stressful for all of us, but doing our best to create safe happiness is a good direction to go! I do appreciate the positive experiences more, and am grateful for community support and ingenuity more than ever.

The Health Office will probably be operating a bit differently this coming school year and I will work to provide updated information as I receive it.

This time of the summer, I would normally be in school for fall sports clearances, which will be on hold for now. If we're able to resume sports at any point for the fall, we will be able to accept a Health Exam from the 2018-19 or 2019-20 school year as per the state guidelines.

Health Exams for students grades Pre-K, K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 should be provided on the NYS Required Health Exam Form, as has been the case for the last 2 years. Theoretically, all pediatricians should be switching to these, or understand that they are now what the State requires as a universal form. The wheels turn slowly though, and even more slowly now! So, we will be accepting Private Health Care Provider certificates as well until January 2021.

I am fully aware that some annual exams and check-ups have been delayed, and sometimes difficult to reschedule, as it has happened with my kids as well! Just remember to make your appointments and provide me with Health Exam and immunization updates as you get them.

School screenings (Vision, Hearing and Scoliosis) have been waived for 2020-21 also. Please remember to request them, (if they're not normally provided) at the pediatrician's office. But as always, contact me if you have specific concerns regarding your child's vision, hearing or spine health and we will address it individually.

If there are any questions regarding medications in school, please contact me. The medication forms are on our website under District services, Nurse's office. I will also be working with Mary Dixon to provide all Health Office forms on her GGM Virtual Office, which she's psychically already done! Thank you Mary!

We would like to have all parents fill out a Health History form for this school year. It was normally sent out in the Health Office summer mailing which we'll be moving away from now. Health History is not for the Dr. or HCP to fill out, but just for parents to communicate any issues that I may not see on the Health Exam form. Please download and send it in to me. Again, all Health Office forms can be downloaded from the District website or from the GGM Virtual Office.

Thank you for your time and patience from my end. No matter where your children will be learning this school year, I will remain their School Nurse. I am all in, no matter what, and will adapt to the needs of our District. Please reach out if you have questions or concerns. Email is probably best until I'm back in my office, but I welcome all communications. Living in Tuxedo, I'm not very hard to find!

Be well!

Marie Castricone

School District Nurse