Cracking the Coding Interview
Textbook: "Cracking the Coding Interview, 6th Edition" by Gayle McDowell
General Information: Class meetings at 12:30pm W in CSI 257. The prerequisite for this course is CSCI 3322 - Algorithms.
Description: As the title and text imply, this is a seminar where we will go through the book having discussion and Q&A sessions. The goal is to make you as prepared as possible for going out and doing coding interviews.
Course Organization: Readings will be assigned for every class day. You are expected to do the readings and show up with two written questions that you will "hand in" at the beginning of class. The quality of these questions will will play a significant role in your grade. Time in class will be spent going over those questions in whatever way helps to make things clear. After going over questions, we will have students work in pairs/small groups on the whiteboards answering some of the sample questions in the book. Between class meetings, students will work on solving problems on HackerRank.
Grading: Your grade for this course will come from three sources. 50% of your grade will be based on your contributions to class discussion of the readings as described above. The other 50% of your grade will come from your performance on a mock interview run by an outside interviewer. You will need to do 200 points worth of problems at HackerRank from the Cracking the Coding Interview practice section.
Schedule: This shows what chapters you are expected to read each week. This is subject to some change.
Student Groups:
Even: Robbie, Sam, Dan, David, Danielle, Michael
Odd: Nicholas, Brett, Charlie, Richard, Marcus, Ian, Jeffrey