Concert & Symphonic Band Winter Concert

7:30pm ♦ Thursday, January 24th ♦ West High Auditorium


  • Who Needs to Be There - This is a required performance event for all band students.
  • Where to Be and When to Be There - The North Central bands will begin warming up in the North Band Room (across from the auditorium) at 6:45pm. Plan to arrive a few minutes before that time to get instruments ready and to get situated.
  • What to Wear - Please wear black pants (or skirts), black socks, black shoes and white shirts.
  • What to Bring - You will need your instrument. Music folders will be brought by Mr. Scheidecker. Please be sure everything is in working order before you arrive. If you play a large instrument and you need help getting it to the concert, please coordinate with Mr. Scheidecker.
  • After the Concert - Once both bands are done performing, the stage is cleared, and all equipment has been loaded for transport back to North Central, students will be free to leave.