6 Mythology

Have fun researching your Greek god!

Books and Encyclopedias

There are lots of library books in your classroom to use. Remember to check the index or table of contents to find what you need!

Database Resources

Britannica Online USE THIS FIRST!! You can find great stuff here, but be sure to use the Middle School or High School articles.

History in Context might have some good articles, but many may be at a higher reading level than what you need. Skim the article first before you decide to use it!

eLibrary When searching for information on your topic, you might need to weed through some random articles before you get to the good stuff. Remember that there are some companies, products and people with the same names as mythological characters. You can also try searching only for books.

Additional Resources

Encyclopedia Mythica

Look for the list of continents and then browse topics by continent or region.

Myths on Maps: University of Victoria

This site is new and still in development, but it has some cool features. Feel free to give it a try, but be patient!