6 Fast Food Nutrition

This project will help you become a fast food detective. You will research your favorite fast-food meal and investigate a fast-food company's advertisements.

Step 1: Choose a fast-food meal.

  • Using the list below, choose a fast food restaurant and then select a meal of your choice. You will need to use the worksheet provided by Ms. Bright to document all of the nutrients found in your meal.
  • You will need to include ALL the ingredients (don't forget the condiments and toppings like mayo, lettuce, ketchup, etc.).

Fast Food Choices:

Step 2: Research an advertisement from your fast-food restaurant.

Fast Food Nutrition Part 2: Advertising Analysis Worksheet

For this part of the project, you will select one TV/online ad for your restaurant.

  • This should be a recent (within the last year) video ad.
  • You will analyze your ad in two written paragraphs. Please include the following in your write up:
    • Paragraph 1:
      • Describe your advertisement. Give enough detail so that someone who hasn’t seen it can understand what is happening. (5 points)
      • Compare what the advertisement says or shows about the food with what you actually know about the food served (i.e., nutrition information/facts). (2 points)
    • Paragraph 2: Answer the following questions:
      • What is appealing about your ad or commercial? (3)
      • What might the advertiser be leaving out of your ad? Why? (3)
      • What message does the advertisement give you about the company (i.e., what do they believe about the consumer, what do they care about, etc.)? Why do you think this? (3)
      • Why do you think advertisers use slogans or catchy music (in general)? (2)
      • Does it make a difference if a celebrity is in an ad or commercial (in general)? Why or why not? (2)
  • You will also be graded on your spelling and grammar. (5 points)
  • FINAL GRADE: ________/ 25 points
      • ***** Include a link to the online ad at the bottom of the page OR a copy of the print ad stapled to your paper. Please remember to share your document on Tarrier Apps with Ms. Bright! ******

Helpful hints:

  • Make sure the ad is actually produced by the restaurant (and it's not a fake ad that has been "photoshopped" or is a joke).
  • Check the fast food restaurant home page for current ads.

Web sites that might help:

  • Your restaurant's home page (see the list above).
  • YouTube has a lot of commercials. Make sure the commercial you choose is created by the company it is advertising...watch out for fakes and spoofs. The company's own YouTube channel is a good starting point.

Calorie and Nutrient Calculators