
The Effects of Pishing and Playback on Avian Fitness

Pishing and playback are techniques used by birders to draw birds out into the open. Several studies have suggested that there are costs to birds exposed to these acoustic tools, but few have followed the birds through breeding to analyze fitness costs. Our study looks at 1) the extent to which behavioral shifts associated with playback and pishing represent a metabolic expense, and 2) the effects of playback and pishing on avian fitness.

PI: Jacquelyn K. Grace

Ortega, M & Grace, J.K. 2020. The effects of pishing and playback on avian fitness. NAOC2020, Poster.

Diversity of and Host Associations for Avian Malaria Parasites in Vietnam

Our study focuses on describing the diversity of and host associations for avian haemosporidians (malaria parasites) from Vietnam. Current information for this biogeographic region is virtually nonexistant, making this data essential in characterizing parasitism across this region, and in making comparisons to other Eurasion regions.

PI: Gary Voelker

Winter Foraging Ecology of Neotropical Migrants

Our study looks at five years of data on foraging behavior in order to understand foraging niches of Canada Warblers, Blackburnian Warblers, Blackpoll Warblers and Cerulean Warblers. We also compared foraging behavior between male/female, flocking/non-flocking, juvenile/adult.

PI: Eliot Miller

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Study on changes in waterfowl body condition across the hunting season and water management techniques. PI: Jacquelyn K. Grace

Study on the drivers behind variation iridescent blue/green plumage in peahens and its function as a potential sign in their intrasexual competition and social system. PI: Jessica Yorzinski

Prepared bird and mammal specimens for the Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections at Texas A&M.