Meet Mrs. Babbles

Mrs. Mary Babbles has been the art teacher at Holy Family School since the fall of 1996. Prior to teaching, Mrs. Babbles worked as an Art Director and Graphic Designer at local advertising agencies. She is a graduate of Rochester Institute of Technology with a degree in Communications Design. After the birth of her daughter, Mrs. Babbles began teaching. Teaching allowed her more time with her family while offering the opportunity to share and instill her love of art with her students. "Nothing is more rewarding than the look on a student's face when they are pleased with the artwork that they have created. I have the luxury of teaching our students throughout their years at Holy Family. I get to watch them learn, grow and develop their God-given talents. All children may not be naturally "artistic" but all children are naturally imaginative and creative. Nurturing and encouraging that creative spark is what I enjoy most about teaching - that along with the hundreds of amazing students and wonderful families I have met at Holy Family School."


For the 2022-2023 school year, all Kindergarten through 6th-grade classes will have Art in the Art room. Nursery/PreK Art classes will be taught in their individual rooms.

3-day/5-day N/Pre-K students, along with Kindergarten students, will have a 30-minute class each week. Students in Grades 1 through 6 will have a 40-minute weekly class. In addition to learning about the elements of art (color, form, line, shape, space, texture, and value) and the principles of design (balance, unity, rhythm, proportion, and emphasis), the children are encouraged to explore their imaginations, develop their creativity, and expand their problem-solving skills. 

"The world is but a canvas to our imagination."  Henry David Thoreau