COVID-19 Information Center (2021-2022)

Throughout the 2021-2022 school year this page will serve as a resource center for changes in protocols, updates in guidance, and general district updates.

Our weekly COVID-19 Dashboard can be found HERE.

PK-6 to become mask-optional Feb. 18

Effective Friday, February 18, 2022, the South-Western City School District (SWCSD) will shift to a “Mask Optional” educational setting, removing the mask requirement for grades PK-6.

Additionally, as of February 25, 2022 all SWCSD transportation vehicles will be mask optional as well per CDC release

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Jan. 26 Ohio Department of Health Contact Tracing Updates

On Wednesday, January 26, 2022, the Ohio Department of Health released updated guidance for schools that included changes to contact tracing in schools, contact tracing letter notifications, case reporting, and communicated a reinforcement of Mask to Stay, Test to Play for asymptomatic students and staff. These documents are available at the links below:

Contact Tracing Memorandum from ODH

Physical Distancing

  • Schools will reduce opportunities for exposure by practicing physical distancing to the greatest extent practical.

  • Schools may utilize strategies identified during the pandemic, such as cohorts, pods, modified arrival and dismissal procedures, restroom use, and creative use of space.

  • Practices, least intrusive to the educational process, will be utilized.

  • Modified arrival and dismissal procedures may be utilized and could include:

    • Monitored doors to minimize the number of persons touching the doors.

    • Boarding & exiting school buses utilizing social distancing protocols.

    • Staggered arrival and dismissal procedures to limit the number of students in the hallways at a particular time.

Cleaning & Maintaining Healthy Facilities

Best practices will be followed when cleaning and disinfecting high tough/traffic areas. Sanitization equipment will continue to be used as needed.


  • Disinfect high contact/traffic areas and student restrooms after student arrival

  • Monitor and restock sanitization supplies

  • Disinfect clinics


  • Clean & sanitize lunch tables after each group

  • Disinfect cafeteria entry & exit after each group

  • Disinfect high contact points & restrooms (prior to and following lunch periods)


  • Clean & disinfect all bathrooms

  • Disinfect all student/teacher desks, chairs & furniture (minimum of Tuesdays & Thursdays & as needed)

  • Disinfect reception area, building entries & exits

  • Monitor & restock sanitization supplies

Building entries, exits, and reception areas will be sanitized after student arrival and dismissal and as needed throughout the day. We will be utilizing the misting sanitization machines throughout each building a minimum of twice weekly.

The use of MERV 13 filters and increased fresh air induction will continue, maximizing the indoor air quality. (Including improving ventilation)

Handwashing and Respiratory Etiquette

  • Proper sneezing and coughing techniques will continue to be taught and emphasized throughout the school day. (arm or inner elbow). Sneeze Guards/Clear Barriers are available if needed.

  • Hand sanitizer will continue to be available in common areas of the buildings, classrooms, and on school buses.

  • Students are encouraged to bring individual water bottles to school with them. These can be filled using the water bottle filler stations in each building.

  • Frequent handwashing with soap and water for 20 seconds or longer will be practiced in all schools.


  • All students will have assigned seats on school buses with a maximum of two students per seat unless they are from the same family.

  • Face masks are required to be worn by students, staff, and school bus drivers on all school buses per federal requirements. If a student does not have a mask, one will be provided to them.

  • Buses will be populated from the back to the front and students will disembark the bus from the front to the back.

  • Hand sanitizer is available on all school buses.

  • Transportation staff will disinfect buses between routes.

Food Service

  • Students may have assigned seats in the cafeteria or eat in their classrooms. This varies from grade level to grade level.

  • The United States Department of Agriculture has extended Free Meal Benefits (breakfast and lunch) to ALL students through the end of the 2021-2022 school year. This means that all students can receive one breakfast meal and one lunch meal per day at no cost. Any additional meals and/or a la carte items can be purchased in our kitchens.

  • Serving lines are sanitized in between class lines.

  • Hand sanitizer is available in all cafeterias.

  • Farmers, truckers, packers, manufacturers, distributors, and ultimately many schools will struggle with food item availability. Our purchasing cooperative is currently working with all segments of the supply chain, across all sectors, regarding food product availability.

What does this mean for our cafeteria offerings?

1. What has historically been listed on the menu may not be available in sufficient quantities to serve our entire student population.

2. Menus may change frequently due to the supply and availability of food items.

3. We will continue to serve balanced and healthy meals in our cafeterias.

Thank you for your understanding and flexibility as we work to provide healthy meal choices to our students.

The SWCSD Food Services Department

Building Protocols

  • Visitors and volunteers will continue to be allowed in school buildings. Individuals seeking to enter a school building will need a purpose that is essential to the activities currently taking place within the school. Face masks/coverings will be provided in all buildings.

  • Depending upon the grade level of the building, additional protocols may be used.

We continue to keep student safety at the forefront of our decision-making process. These are the protocols as of the start of school but if the information and guidance from our local health agencies changes, our plans could also change.

Below are some frequently asked questions that we hope will be helpful to you as we also focus on student safety:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is a direct (close) contact?

A: Direct contacts for COVID-19 are those individuals who are identified as being directly exposed to COVID- 19 by the positive case. Remember, COVID-19 is a respiratory virus and does not require physical contact to spread. It is spread through sneezing, coughing, talking, and breathing. These factors should be considered when determining level of exposure and direct contacts. Best practice for distancing is 3 ft with everyone masked, 6 ft if the individual is not masked.

~Ohio Department of Health 10/25/2021

Q: Why is SWCSD not offering VLA this school year?

A: Last year, SWCSD provided the Virtual Learning Academy for approximately 2,365 students. We were given permission to offer this option as a result of House Bill 164, which gave public school districts in the State of Ohio the flexibility to offer a fully online school experience as an emergency measure. HB 164 expired and as a result, we do not have the ability to offer this option to our students and families in the same manner as last school year. Additionally, HB 110 went into effect this school year and created stronger restrictions that push schools towards in-person/traditional modes of instruction five days per week.

In addition, as a collective, our students choosing the virtual option last school year did not perform as well on state assessments and classroom grades. Creating this option also resulted in limiting curricular options for many students.

Q: If the district isn’t offering VLA this school year, what are my options?

A: The Ohio Department of Education provides various school options at Education-Options.

Q: What does the school board resolution authorizing the superintendent to require or not require face coverings for students, staff, and visitors accomplish? Has the board of education given away its authority?

A: The resolution allows the superintendent to enforce and quickly pivot based on circumstances to prevent the spread of communicable diseases for the safety of students and staff. The board has the ability to rescind, revise, or override decisions at any time.

Q: How will the learning process be supported when a student is quarantined?

A: Schoolwork will be treated as it has always been treated for any type of multi-day excused absence. The teacher should be able to provide students with content/assignments to stay current with their work.

Q: Does the district intend to require COVID vaccinations for students or staff?

A: The district strongly encourages eligible individuals to get vaccinated. At this time, we are not requiring a COVID vaccination to attend or work in our schools.

Q: Are latchkey children required to wear masks?

A: These programs are not held during school hours and are voluntary. They are also not SWCSD programs and are subject to the sponsoring latchkey organization's protocols and procedures.

Q: Can I select a vaccinated teacher for my child?

A: We are prohibited from sharing the vaccine status of students and staff due to FERPA and HIPAA regulations.