English I

Welcome to the English I "Homework Online" page!

Students are expected to check this page on a daily basis, including days when they are absent. Doing so will help students stay current with their work and know what is necessary to be prepared for class each day.

This page is a "work in progress" and is updated regularly with new information and changes that may occur.

Students are expected to use this webpage, links and attachements as a tool for our class. It is important to their success that they stay current with what we are doing on a daily basis.


(unless they use a "Life Happens" pass for qualifying assignments.

Student absence make-up work policy:


When a student has been absent,

it is the student's responsibility to contact his/her teacher on the day s/he returns to school and

make arrangements to make up his/her assignments and tests.

The time limit for make-up work shall be stipulated by the teacher, but may not exceed two (2) weeks (ten (10) school days) after the re-entry to school

unless an extension is granted in writing by the principal.

Where the absence is anticipated in advance, such as an operation, the student should arrange a procedure in advance for making up assignments and tests.


See related attachments at the bottom of this page, also.

PREFIX-SUFFIX help websites for VOCABULARY lessons:




Bring your Collections hardback textbook to class

EVERY DAY starting Tuesday, 4/10

Information related to reading/studying The Tragedy of Romeo & Juliet

Romeo & Juliet has 5 ACTS; each act has 3 to 5 SCENES

You will have various activities throughout each Act, including at least

a study guide, extended responses and a quiz.

You are responsible for ALL of the material that is IN THE TEXTBOOK

We will be viewing the movie, but it has some differences and leaves out some content.

I will point these differences out to you.

If you are ABSENT, it is critical that you keep up with the reading so you don't fall behind!!!

Use either your hardback textbook or the online edition. Online you can use the audiobook feature, too, if you like.


The Odyssey: (Starting P. 365)

Reading selection about which you will answer literary analysis questions.

Definitions of Literary Terms: (Use the Handbook in the back of textbook starting p. R57)

epic plot, epic hero, epic setting,

epic themes, epic simile, protagonist, archetypes.

Romeo & Juliet: (Starting P. 177)

Reading selection about which you will answer literary analysis questions.

Definitions of Literary Terms: (Use the Handbook in the back of textbook starting p. R57)

soliloquy, tragedy,

iambic pentameter, comic relief,

prologue, allusion, blank verse,

tragic hero, foil, aside

Two reading selections you will read independently:

You may read the following story in preparation for the exam. The second reading selection is short and will be read at the time of the exam.

Be sure to take time to read this PRIOR to your exam:

The Sniper by Liam O'Flaherty

Click the link below to access the story:



Letter Writing Assignment

Due by your EXAM period

Click the link to access assignment criteria:


May 21-25

Monday 5/21

In-class discussion and completion of Cornell Notes to included literary analysis

Tuesday 5/22

QUIZ for Act 4

Scene summary and text questions for Act IV due beginning of class

Begin Act V

Create Cornell Notes scene summaries for all scenes in Act V

Wednesday 5/23

Continue Act 5

Thursday 5/24

Finish Act 5

Literary Analysis questions

Friday 5/25

Exam Review

May 14 -- 18

Monday 5/14

Review Act 3 Scenes 2 & 3 (These are parallel for R & J)

Tuesday 5/15

Review for Act 2 quiz

Kahoot! review

Wednesday 5/16

Act 3 QUIZ (30 M/C questions)

View Video for Acts 4 & 5

Thursday 5/17

Begin reading Act 4 Scenes 1-3 (4 if time). Write scene summaries for each. Include the important elements in each summary: who?, what?, why?, where?, when? and/or how? (Think of the summary as writing a paragraph or two about what is going on for a newspaper article)

Friday 5/18

Act 4 Scenes 4-5

Group work to read, discuss and summarize these scenes. Due MONDAY 5/21.

May 7-11

Monday 5/7

Discussion and analysis of Act 2 scenes 5-6

Kahoot! review for Act 2 QUIZ

Tuesday 5/8

Act 2 QUIZ

View Act 3 scenes 1-3

Distribute Act 3 Study Guide

Wednesday 5/9

In-class group work on Act 3 Scene 1 using "No Fear Shakespeare"

Answer questions in the Act 3 study guide packet # 1 -- 11

Thursday 5/10

Continue discussion of Act 3 iwth a focus on Scenes 2-3

Friday 5/11

LOC/LOG/LOQ root vocabulary quiz

Distribute new and final!!) vocab worksheet--PORT roots

Act 3 scenes 4-5

April 30 - May 4

Monday 4/30

JECT vocab quiz

Distribute new vocab-- SPEC roots

Act 2 Sc. 2 texting activity (IN CLASS assignment)

Tuesday 5/1

Finish texting activity

Act 2 Scene 3 (Romeo asking Fr. Lawrence to marry him & Juliet)

Answer questions in the study guide packet # 13-20

Wednesday 5/2

Act 2 Scene 4 (Romeo meets up, first, with Mercutio & Benvolio, then with the Nurse to talk about the plan)

Advice column activity

Part 1: Decide whether you want to write your letter from Romeo’s or from Juliet’s perspective.Then, pretend you are either Romeo or Juliet.

Within your letter, you will need to be sure to include the following information:

    • What is your “pen name” that relates to your problem? (Romeo or Juliet)
    • What is your problem? Give specific details that you know to be true from the story.
    • What does Abby need to know about your situation in order to give you advice? Again, these would be details from the story.
    • What advice do you need in order to solve your problem?

Answer questions in the study guide packet # 21 -- 31

Thursday 5/3

Part 2: Find a partner and trade letters with him/her. (You can do this with 3 by just making sure you do not have your own letter.)

Now you are pretending to be in the role of “Dear Abby”.

Read the letter from Romeo/Juliet.

Write a detailed response in which you offer good, sound advice.

Within your response, you will need to include the following information:

    • Tell what you know and understand about his/her situation.
    • Directly address what he/she is asking for help with
    • Give advice from both your own knowledge and experience AND from ideas expressed in the text (ex: from Friar, Nurse, Benvolio, etc.)
    • Explain WHY your advice is good and sound and that Romeo/Juliet should follow it

Friday 5/4

SPEC root vocab QUIZ

New vocab -- LOC/LOG/LOQ roots --QUIZ for this will be Fri. 5/11.

Read and discuss Act 2 Scenes 5-6.

HW: Finish the study guide questions for Act 2 # 32-37 (end of packet). This study guide is due TUES. right before the quiz.

NOTE CHANGE--Act 2 QUIZ will be TUESDAY, 5/8

April 23 - 27

Monday 4/23

Finish watching Act 1 (about 9 minutes).

Groups answer questions in study guide as follows:

    1. Sc. 1 Lines 117-231 DO questions 9-14

2. Sc. 2 Lines 56-81 DO questions 16-17

3. Sc. 3 lines 1-75 DO questions 18-20

4. Scene 3 lines 98-100 and Scene 4 lines 11-22 DO questions 22-23

5. Sc. 4 lines 23-113 DO questions 24-27

Read aloud section on Romeo's current love.

HW: Continue to answer Act 1 questions.

Tuesday 4/24

Distribute JECT root vocab -- QUIZ for these words will be MONDAY, April, 30.

Volunteers read Act 1 Sc. 3 from No Fear Shakespeare. Then, in assigned groups, read Scenes 4 & 5 together and answer corresponding study guide questions for those scenes.

HW: Finish Act I and questions.

Wednesday 4/25

Discuss and review Act 1--finish study guide (should only have questions for scenes 4 & 5 left to do if they were not done as homework.)

Thursday 4/26


Begin Act 2

Distribute Act 2 Study Guide

Focus on Prologue and Scene 1.

Friday 4/27

Continue Act 2 -- focus on Scene 2 in the video.

H/W: Read Act 1 SCENE 2 and answer questions 5-12 in the study guide packet.

Reminder--JECT roots vocab quiz is Monday 4/30.

April 16-20

Monday 4/16

Text rendering for R & J prologue. Answer the questions on sonnets, iambic pentameter, etc. on the handout provided. Mark these elements on your copy of the prologue.

Tuesday 4/17 -- Testing Today--shortened periods

Finish paraphrasing the prologue and the Text Rendering activity worksheet.

Wednesday 4/18 -- Testing Today--shortened periods

Begin Act 1 Sc 1. Introduce characters and begin viewing. Distribute Act I Study Guide.

Thursday 4/19 -- Testing Today--shortened periods

Continue viewing Act 1 Scene 1

Friday 4/20

Finish Act 1 Scene 1. Analysis and discussion if time.

April 3 -- 6

AIR Practice Test Link


Refer to the following link to access the scoring guide for the practice test we are working on

Fall 2016: http://oh.portal.airast.org/core/fileparse.php/3094/urlt/ELAI_PT_ScoringGuide.pdf

(This is the one with the reading passages about "antiquities")

SPRING 2017: http://oh.portal.airast.org/core/fileparse.php/3094/urlt/OST_ELA-I_Sp17_Item-Release-Scoring-Guide_FBL.pdf

(This is the one with reading selections about "Robinson Crusoe" and "Swiss Family Robinson")

March 19-23



Essay MUST be submitted to turnitin.com

Submit it to

Research Paper Draft 1 Revision 2

This assignment is the last one on the list and is the only one with the active (bright blue) "Submit" button.


When you are working on homework you WILL want to access infOhio and our databases.

See the "Access" document in our Google Classroom for details.

Refer to these sample essays as guidelines:


My sample paper from class (the one on school uniforms):


Monday 3/19

No School! -- Keep working on your essays! Remember to turn them in by 11:59 tonight!!

Tuesday 3/20

I CAN: Write an effective counterclaim and rebuttal to refute my oppositions points by using databases for researching supporting evidence for my arguments.

Write the counterclaim and rebuttal paragraph. Be sure to EXPLAIN IN DETAIL why your reason and supporting evidence proves your opposition's point wrong.

Use the Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) to guide you. Link to OWL: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/588/03/

Homework: Finish the counterclaim and rebuttal; edit and revise it.



If this happens, I will move the vocab quiz to Mon. next week so that we will have a full day to work on Fri.

Wednesday 3/21

I CAN: Write an interesting, attention-getting introduction to introduce my topic (the thesis statement you have already written).

In class work on introduction. Begin conclusion if you have time.

Homework: Finish the introduction; edit and revise it

A good introductory paragraph 1. gets your reader’s attention, 2. introduces your topic, and 3. presents your stance on the topic (thesis).

LINKS with detailed information about the introductory paragraph:

Purdue OWL on Introductions: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/engagement/2/2/58/

Continue to edit and revise your paper. Check grammar and conventions (turnitin.com ETS gives you feedback on this.) Make sure your essay is in THIRD person (do NOT use YOU, and try to avoid first person, as well.)

Be sure to include a Works Cited page. See link for MLA style:

Basic Works Cited rules: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/05/

Sample of Works Cited page: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/12/

Thursday 3/22

I CAN: Write an interesting, well-structured concluding paragraph to provide closure to my essay.

Homework: Finish the conclusion; edit and revise it

Here is helpful information about how to write a good conclusion from this link in the Purdue OWL https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/724/04/


Conclusions wrap up what you have been discussing in your paper. After moving from general to specific information in the introduction and body paragraphs, your conclusion should begin pulling back into more general information that restates the main points of your argument. Conclusions may also call for action or overview future possible research. The following outline may help you conclude your paper:

In a general way,

Restate your topic and why it is important,

Restate your thesis/claim,

Address opposing viewpoints and explain why readers should align with your position,

Call for action or overview future research possibilities.

Remember that once you accomplish these tasks, unless otherwise directed by your instructor, you are finished. Done. Complete. Don't try to bring in new points or end with a whiz bang(!) conclusion or try to solve world hunger in the final sentence of your conclusion. Simplicity is best for a clear, convincing message.

Friday 3/23

I CAN: Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience and publish a writing project that meets standards of writing and conventions.


Finalize paper and submit it to turnitin.com BEFORE the end of class TODAY!

Check for diction (find a more descriptive word for "thing"), edit all first (I, me we, us, etc.)and second (you, your, etc.) person pronouns to use third person, check grammar and spelling (turnitin.com will help with this) and use standard MLA formatting (all text same size, double space everything, no bold, large, underline, colors, etc.)

Essay MUST be submitted to turnitin.com

Submit it to

Research Paper Draft 1 Revision 2

This assignment is the last one on the list and is the only one with the active (bright blue) "Submit" button.


Spring Break starts end of day!!

Enjoy your break!


March 12 -- 16

End of 3rd quarter



Essay MUST be submitted to turnitin.com

When you are working on homework you WILL want to access infOhio and our databases.

See the "Access" document in our Google Classroom for details.

Refer to these sample essays as guidelines:


Monday 3/12

I CAN: Use databases for researching supporting evidence for argumentative writing.

Odyssey Part 2 QUIZ

Begin argumentative research essay project:

You must choose your topic by the end of class today (See the list of topics and the form in our Google Classroom)

Mrs. Wise, our librarian, is coming in to help introduce this project.

Accessing and using databases, searching for topics, and saving articles.

Tuesday 3/13

I CAN: Identify and correctly document resource material so that it is not in a form that would be considered plagiarism.

Mrs. Wise presents an interactive activity to illustrate plagiarism.

Time for beginning individual research and work with the databases.

Wednesday 3/14

I CAN: Write a clear, concise claim indicating my position on an issue

Open a new document that will be your essay.

Put your heading on it using MLA style.

Write your claim/thesis statement. This is an in-class assignment and is worth 10 points. If you are in class today, your claim is due by the end of class. I will be coming around to each of you to check these. If you are absent, you need to try to do this before coming to class the next day.

Start writing your THREE topic sentences. These will be checked tomorrow.

As you are working, be sure to think about your OPPOSITION'S best point so that you will have your counterclaim.

HOMEWORK: Read some of the articles to see what the oppositions ideas and arguments are.

Thursday 3/15

I CAN: Write a response that is fully sustained and consistently focused within the purpose, audience, and task. It has a clear claim and effective organizational structure creating coherence and completeness.

Periods 2, 3, & 6--Submit your THESIS STATEMENT to the assignment in our Google Classroom (required for credit).

You should now have the three (3) topic sentences -- one for EACH of your reasons (MUST have 3) stated in your claim.

Here is a sample of what a paragraph should include at this point:


I will check them in turnitin.com These will be worth 15 points (5 points each).

Start writing your EXPLANATION as to WHY your feel the way you do and WHY others should agree with YOUR side of the issue.

HOMEWORK: Finish your 3 paragraphs (research). Upload your document to turnitin.com by the end of class on Friday 3/16.

Friday 3/16

I CAN: Write a response that provides thorough, convincing, and credible support, citing evidence for the writer’s claim that includes the effective use of sources, facts, and details.


Distribute new vocabulary -- DIC/DICT roots.

Begin selecting your resource material that you will use for supporting evidence. Start to include relevant quotations in your essay. Be SURE that the quotations you use are direct support for your point. (In other words, does your support fit your point.)

Mrs. Wise will be back with us today to help with this task!

HOMEWORK: Finish 3 body paragraphs, including your supporting evidence. Submit revised draft to turnitin.com by 11:59 PM Monday, March 19. You will need this for class on Tues. 3/20.

March 5 -- 9

The next Odyssey QUIZ will be when we finish Part 2 and will include questions over Books 17, 21, 22 & 23

Expect the quiz to be Thursday or Friday 3/8 or 3/9

QUIZ is moved to MONDAY 3/12

Monday 3/5

I CAN: Analyze epic conventions and author's choices that are major elements of an epic, such as figurative language, character and character motivations.

Distribute new vocabulary (VEN/VENT roots)

Begin "Book 22: Death in the Great Hall" p. 409

Focus specifically on lines 1 -20. Answer questions in the study guide in our Google Classroom.

Tuesday 3/6

I CAN: Analyze epic conventions and author's choices that are major elements of an epic, such as figurative language, character and character motivations.

Finish "Book 22: Death in the Great Hall" and corresponding study guide questions.

Wednesday 3/7

I CAN: Identify and explain the archetypal images.

3B's activity. See Google Classroom assignment. Write

Thursday 3/8

I CAN: Analyze author's choices of figurative language and character development as these devices apply to the epic and use them to support inferences I make.

Finish Odyssey Part 2. Read and complete study guide for Book 23

Friday 3/9

Ven/Vent QUIZ

Introduce upcoming research/argument writing assignment. Choose topics by Monday--Use Google Classroom document

Distribute new vocabulary SEN/SENT

February 25 -- March 2

Monday 2/26

Odyssey Books 10-12 QUIZ

Discuss criteria for writing extended responses on the AIR Test in preparation for practicing this as we finish reading The Odyssey.

Tuesday 2/27

I CAN: Explain the symbol in literature, specifically the way in which Argos is a symbol for Ithaca.

View the end of the video "The Odyssey"

Begin Odyssey Part 2 Read "Book 17:The Beggar at the Manner"

Wednesday 2/28

I CAN: Identify and explain the archetypal images.

Assign the Odyssey Part 2 Study Guide. This is in our Google Classroom

We will be using this study guide to practice writing in a way that meets the AIR Test extended response writing criteria.

Review Book 17 and do the corresponding study guide questions together in class

Begin "Book 21: The Test of the Bow", focusing on the concept of archetypal image by analyzing and discussion lines 8-12 (image of the bull)

HW: Read "Book 21: The Test of the Bow"

Thursday 3/1

I CAN: Analyze author's choices of figurative language and character development as these devices apply to the epic and use them to support inferences I make.

In class, start with individual work on developing extended responses to questions 4-13 on the study guide. (Each student starts with 2 assigned questions, then moves to work with a partner to share ideas.)

Friday 3/2

I CAN: Analyze author's choices of figurative language and character development as these devices apply to the epic and use them to support inferences I make.

Discuss study guide questions 4-13 from yesterday.

February 19--23

Monday 2/19

President's Day -- NO SCHOOL

Tuesday 2/20 -- Hearing & Vision screeing today

Distribute new CUR root vocabulary.

I CAN: Analyze text in order to participate in an academic, collaborative discussion.

Reading for Book 12: The Sirens; Scylla & Charybdis due today.

Finish AIR Practice Test while the hearing/vision screening is going on.

Discussion of Book 12.

COLLABORATIVE DISCUSSION In what instances does Odysseus demonstrate his greatest acts of heroism? Discuss your ideas with a partner. Cite specific textual evidence to support your ideas

Wednesday 2/21

View next section of the video.

Thursday 2/22

I CAN: Make inferences, summarize, interpret and analyze a selection from The Odyssey.

Wagon Wheel style discussion of Books 1-12 -- Prepare for QUIZ over books 10, 11 & 12 MONDAY 2/25 -- NOTE DATE CHANGE.

See p. 399 for questions.

Friday 2/23

CUR vocabulary QUIZ

AIR Test review

Books 10-12 QUIZ -- Moved to MONDAY

February 12 -- 16

Monday 2/12

I CAN: Demonstrate my ability to analyze character by looking at the concept of EPIC HERO and ARCHETYPES, and consider author's choices by analyzing the craft and structure of an EPIC POEM

Distribute study guide

1. Odyssey QUIZ ove books 1 & 9

2. Go to our Google Classroom and do the Practice AIR test. Write your answers on paper, as the test will NOT save your results. We will be using this paper later.

Tuesday 2/13

I CAN: Use visual representations to enhance my understanding of complex text.

View The Odyssey from when Odysseus and his crew leave the Cyclops to when the men open the bag of winds.

Wednesday 2/14

I CAN: Analyze how complex characters develop over the course of a text cite strong and thorough textual evidence.

Read "Book 10: Circe the Grace of the Witch" pages 386-387.

Do 4 A's activity, choosing what you think Odysseus OR his men ASSUMED, what you AGREE with, what you would ARGUE about, and what you might ASPIRE to from this section.

Then, write a 5-7 sentence extended response explaining something you would argue about in this section (Do this in argumentative writing format to include at least, your POINT, EXPLANATION, & EVIDENCE). For example: Odysseus, I disagree with your choice to split up your men and send them without you to see what is on the island. This is a mistake because . . . (explain your reasons for why you think/feel what you do) Odysseus should have known better than to do this because he "quote something from a section where he made the same mistake".

Thursday 2/15

I CAN: Analyze how characters interact with other characters, advance the plot, and develop the theme when focusing on Odysseus as an EPIC HERO.

Continued reading in The Odyssey. "Book 11: The Land of the Dead"

Friday 2/16

Continued reading in The Odyssey. HOMEWORK: "Book 12: The Sirens; Scylla & Charybdis". Answer the questions for this section on the study guide. Due TUESDAY 2/20

February 5-9




Monday 2/5

I CAN: Analyze character by looking at the concept of EPIC HERO and ARCHETYPES, and consider author's choices by analyzing the craft and structure of an EPIC POEM

Distribute study guide

In the Close Reader: Review Q #5, Classroom talk for #6 & 8. In-class assignment to do # 10 & 11. Questions for 9-14 due Wed.

Distribute new vocab--MISS/MIT roots.

Tuesday 2/6

I CAN: Analyze character by looking at the concept of EPIC HERO and ARCHETYPES

Review last night's homework Q's #10-11.

Continue by reading independently in the Close Reader the section on "the Cyclops" and finish the section. Answer questions 12, 13 & 14 as you read.

In class--To practice using online resources in preparation for the AIR tests, use the online edition of our textbook to do the reading. You may also use the audiobook feature for this assignment if you have earbuds. NOTE: You will not be able to use audio for the reading section of the AIR test.

H/W: Complete any reading and questions you did not get done in class today.

Wednesday 2/7

I CAN: Analyze how complex characters develop over the course of a text cite strong and thorough textual evidence.

Discuss questions 12, 13 & 14.

Review for quiz. If we have a snow day today (Wed), we will do this work on Thursday.

I will adjust the schedule for the Odyssey quiz.

The MISS/MIT vocab quiz will still be on Friday.

Thursday 2/8

I CAN: Analyze how characters interact with other characters, advance the plot, and develop the theme when focusing on Odysseus as an EPIC HERO.

QUIZ over Books 1 & 9 from pages 371-385.

Friday 2/9


January 29--February 2

Monday 1/29

I CAN: Analyze character by looking at the concept of EPIC HERO and ARCHETYPES, and consider author's choices by analyzing the craft and structure of an EPIC POEM

Distribute study guide

Review Book 1 and Book 9 the episode with the Lotus Eaters

Tuesday 1/30

I CAN: Analyze figurative meanings by examining epithets, and author's choices through his use of foreshadowing and setting.

Begin "The Cyclops" episode p. 374.

Read lines 116-184.

Do text rendering activity--identify and write down ONE SENTENCE, ONE PHRASE & ONE WORD from this section.

Group work discussing it. Then, write down the insight you gained and the main highlight that you get from this section.


Wednesday 1/31

I CAN: Analyze how complex characters develop over the course of a text cite strong and thorough textual evidence.

Continue reading "The Cyclops" in the Close Reader

Read lines 1-20 starting on p. 97. Do the tasks and/or answer the questions in # 1 & 2 at the bottom of the page.

H/W: Continue reading lines 21-60. Do the tasks in #3.

Thursday 2/1

I CAN: Analyze how characters interact with other characters, advance the plot, and develop the theme when focusing on Odysseus as an EPIC HERO.

Review with #3 p. 98. Do #4 p. 100

New reading: Pages 100-102 Lines 61-135. Focus reading according to the tasks in question 5 p. 100

Do 4 A's activity focusing on the character development of Odysseus (Get in his head to know how he is thinking)

On the back of your 4A's activity sheet, WRITE THE EXTENDED RESPONSE.

Friday 2/2

PET root vocab worksheet due and QUIZ

Continue work in Close Reader for "The Cyclops"

Read Lines 136-339 and do #6-9 through p. 108.

H/W: Finish what you did not get done in class today. Due MONDAY 2/5. # 1-9 will be checked.

January 22-26

Monday 1/22

I CAN: Use text rendering strategies to analyze character focusing on epic hero.

Begin The Odyssey Part `: The wandering of Odysseus p..371

Use Close Read feature in the online text for lines 1-15.

Distrubute new vocabulary--COGN/GNO/SCI -- Due & QUIZ Fri. 1/26

Tuesday 1/23 -- Pep Rally Today--amended schedule

I CAN: Connect visual representatives with text.

Begin viewing The Odyssey.

Wednesday 1/24

I CAN: Use text rendering strategies to analyze author's choices regarding craft and structure, specifically with respect to parallel plot.

Read "Book 9: New Coasts & Poseidon's Son sections "I Am Laertes' Son" and "the Lotus Eaters" pages 372-373

Use the 3-2-1 strategy and post-it notes to analyze the text in the same way we saw in the brief video on Monday. Keep the post-it notes in your book in each place your notes correspond with the text.

You are to find

3 key ideas from each passage

2 examples that show that this an epic or that Odysseus is an epic hero

1 question you have after reading the passage

View the Cyclops section of the video.

Thursday 1/25

I CAN: Use Read/Record, Reduce, Reflect/Review strategies to analyze author's choices regarding figurative language, character,, elements of the epic and epic hero, and to summarize a passage.

Begin "Book 9: New Coasts & Poseidon's Son section "The Cyclops" pages 374-385

Start the Read, Record, Review activity for the following from Cyclops:

    1. Read the selection lines 68-115 INDIVIDUALLY.
    2. As you read, RECORD (write down) 3 key ideas
    3. NOTE your thoughts about the ideas


Friday 1/26


All TKAM CH 25-31 QUIZZES MUST be made up by Fri. 1/19

Monday 1/15

Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday -- No School

Tuesday 1/16

Teacher workday -- No School

Wednesday 1/17

I CAN: Make inferences and predictions by analyzing various artists' depictions of characters from The Odyssey.

Introduction to the Odyssey with visual arts activity using individual observation, 3-2-1 strategy, and think-pair-share activity.

View the images in the Calypso & Lotus Eaters document in our Google Classroom. Complete the "My Observations" column (14 minutes) on the handout for all 14 pictures, then complete the 3-2-1 activity (6 minutes) on the reverse side of the handout.

Thursday 1/18

I CAN: Make inferences and predictions by analyzing various artists' depictions of characters from The Odyssey.

Continue yesterday's activity. Pair up with a classmate. Share your observations with each other. Write their observations on your paper.(14 minutes) Discuss the similarities and differences for each image.(5 minutes). INDIVIDUALLY, complete the second 3-2-1, responding to your classmates observations this time.

Begin "The Epic" p. 365 in the Collections textbook.

H/W: Read and outline pages 365-368 in the textbook, following the guide lines provided in class (see below for reminder of what we started in class):


I. Characteristics of the Epic

A. Epic-

1. -long narrative poem

2. recounts adventure of epic hero

3. Performs great deed

4. . . .

B. Elements of the Epic

. . .etc. This is not complete for this section!!!

II. Language of Homer

A. Simile --

1. epic simile --

Continue to outline throughout the whole intro section this way (end on p. 368). Be sure to include the characteristics identified in the charts/boxes on these pages, too.

Friday 1/19

I CAN: Overall, be able to analyze elements of an epic poem, such as plot, setting, theme and character, as well as its figurative language.

The Odyssey overview with video clip from Collections


January 8--12

If you were absent and missed part of the movie, October Sky, you can access it here onYouTube:


Monday 1/8


Tuesday 1/9

In-class work on CH 25-31 study guide.

Wednesday 1/10

Review and discussion of CH 25-31. In-class work on CTJ

Thursday 1/11

Finish CTJ -- due by end of class

Friday 1/12


Semester Exams

This link gives you information as to what content will be on your exam:


Reading passage:


Semester Exams run December 18, 19 & 20

Exams will be given according to your CLASS PERIOD as follows:

Date: Periods:

Dec. 18 3rd

Dec. 19: 2nd, 5th & 6th

Dec 20: 1st

All outstanding quizzes from absences MUST be made up by December 20, before we go on winter break!

It is YOUR responsibiltiy to see me to make arrangements to make these up when you are absent!

Student absence make-up work policy-- 5200.02 - MAKE-UP OPPORTUNITIES

When a student has been absent, it is the student's responsibility to contact his/her teacher on the day s/he returns to school and

make arrangements to make up his/her assignments and tests.


December 18, 19 & 20

Semester exam week

See full schedule above.

Reading schedule to finish the book:

Wed. Jan. 3 -- 5 -- CH 25-31

You are expected to finish reading the book by Monday January 8.

(Don't panic--some of the chapters are only 3 pages long. This part of the book goes FAST!!)

QUIZ and CTJ due FOR CH 25-31 -- Thursday, January 11

You will be watching October Sky and completing a viewing guide when we come back from winter break on Jan. 3, 4 & 5.

Reading Guide questions for CH 25-31 will be available in Google Classroom and in this link:


Monday 12/18

Semester exam

3rd period -- 8:00--9:40 (Includes 10 minutes for announcements at 9:30)

Tuesday 12/12

Semester exams

2nd period -- 8:00--9:40 (Includes 10 minutes for announcements at 9:30)

5th period -- 9:45--11:20

6th period -- 1:45--3:20

Wednesday 12/13

Semester exam

1st period -- 8:00-9:30

December 11-15

This week's reading:

Mon., Dec. 11 -- CH 17 - 18

Tues., Dec. 12 -- CH 19 - 20 QUIZ and CTJ due FOR CH 9-16

Wed., Dec. 13 -- CH 21 - 22

Thurs., Dec. 14 -- CH 23 -- 24

Fri., Dec. 15 -- CH 17-24 review Material from chapters 17-24 WILL be on the semester exam.

NO CTJ for this section.

Monday 12/11

I CAN: Identify supporting evidence from the text and synthesize individual episodes/events described in the book to explain the way in which they apply to the theme of COURAGE.

In-class CH 9-16 discussion activity: Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up

In-class Writing to Learn activity with a focus on the theme of courage: Write-Pair-Share

HW: CH 17 - 18

Tuesday 12/12

I CAN: Demonstrate an understanding of an extended piece of literature through literal recall and extended response analysis and my ability to acquire new vocabulary.

CH 9-16 QUIZ today

CH 9-16 CTJ due today.

HW: CH 19 - 20

Wednesday 12/13

I CAN: Read for detail, make text-to-text and text-to self connections to analyze a reading selection

In--class reading -- Use the CH 17-24 reading guide to focus your reading and help you prepare for this section on your semester exam.

HW: CH 21 - 22

Thursday 12/14

I CAN: Demonstrate an understanding of an extended piece of literature through literal recall and extended response analysis

In-class discussion of CH 17-21

Extend the idea of COURAGE. What does it mean to do something because it is the right thing to do?

HW: CH CH 23 -- 24

Friday 12/15

Exam Review -- Use the study questions and read the exam article that is posted in our Google Classroom to study on your own, too! (Period 1 only--Use the "Revised 17-24" copy to be sure you have the full study guide--all other classes document is complete.)

Discussion of CH 22-24

HW: CH 17-24 review Material from chapters 17-24 WILL be on the semester exam.

NO CTJ for this section.

December 4 -- 8

All outstanding quizzes (up through the form/morph vocab and CH 1-8 TKAM quiz) and tests MUST be made up by this Fri. 12/8 to receive credit.

This week's reading:

Mon. Dec. 4 -- CH 9-10

Tues. Dec. 5 -- CH 11-12

Wed. Dec. 6 -- CH 13-14

Thurs. Dec. 7 -- CH 15-16

Fri. Dec. 8 -- CH 9-16 activity

QUIZ and CTJ due FOR CH 9-16 -- Tuesday, December 12 NOTE DATE CHANGE due to shortened period Dec. 5-8

Monday 12/4

I CAN: Demonstrate an understanding of an extended piece of literature through literal recall and extended response analysis.

CH 1-8 QUIZ today

CH 1-8 CTJ due today.

HW: CH 9-10

Modified schedule Tues. -- Fri. Dec. 5-8 for AIR Testing

Period 1 starts at 10:30 -- Class periods will be about 31 minutes long.

Tuesday 12/5

I CAN: Analyze how an author alludes to and transforms source material in a specific work (RL.9-10.9)

Read the article "Myths and Urban Legends"

Identify connection between this article and TKAM

HW: CH 11-12

Wednesday 12/6

I CAN: Analyze how an author alludes to and transforms source material in a specific work (RL.9-10.9)

Continuation of "Myths and Urban Legends" activity

Do Discussion board activity ?Myths and Urban Legends" in turnitin.com. Click on the Discussions tab at the top to access the assignment.

HW: CH 13-14

Thursday 12/7

I CAN: Make connections between literature and other textual material and life experiences.

Do Discussion board activity for today (Connecting Urban Legend to TKAM) in turnitin.com. Click on the Discussions tab at the top to access the assignment. Focus of writing is on the question: Do you think Boo Radley is an urban legend in Maycomb or does he exist? Explain your answer.

HW: CH 15-16

Friday 12/8


No new vocabulary until after Winter Break.

Finish the Discussion board activity from yesterday (Connecting Urban Legend to TKAM) in turnitin.com.

November 27 -- December 1

Critical Thinking Journal #1 CH 1-8 due Monday, December 4

It must be done in a Google Doc and turned in to turnitin.com

(We will have time in class on 12/4 to upload it to turnitin.com. You can submit it early if you want to.)

CH 1-5 Quotes:


Monday 11/27

I CAN: Read for information and begin writing key points in Cornell Notes style.

Distribute FORM/MORPH vocabulary -- QUIZ is this Fri. Dec. 1

Overview of TKAM Unit. Review of CH 1-3

Read "About the Author" -- Cornell Notes

HW: CH 4

Tuesday 11/28

I CAN: Write to learn by expressing my ideas in a Critical Thinking Journal

Introduction to Critical Thinking Journals -- Powerpoint explanation

HW: CH 5

Wednesday 11/29

I CAN: Generate ideas for discussion and present responses relevant to the most important part of the assigned text.

Class "Block Party" strategy using quotes from CH 1-5 for discussion to spark ideas for the CTJ

HW: CH 6-7

Thursday 11/30

I CAN: Generate ideas for discussion and present responses relevant to the most important part of the assigned text.

Continue discussion using "talking strips" activity (15 minutes)

Begin first CTJ in Google Doc

HW: CH 7-8

Friday 12/1

I CAN: Demonstrate acquisition of new vocabulary.

I CAN: Write a formal, detailed response in the form of a Critical Thinking Journal relevant to the most important parts of the assigned text.

FORM/MORPH worksheet due and QUIZ -- Distribute new SEQU/SEC vocabulary (Quiz 12/8)

Discussion/related reading

HW: Study for CH 1-8 QUIZ that will be on MONDAY, 12/4

November 20 -- 24

See the dropdown link called "TKAM Reading Schedule" under our English I tab.

You will need to read chapters 1-3 by Monday, 11/27/17

Monday 11/20

I CAN: Demonstrate acquisition of new vocabulary.

Research background information in preparation for new knowledge.

1. PON/POS vocabulary quiz. Your NEW vocabulary sheet will be distributed on Monday 11/27.

2. Begin researching background information in preparation for reading the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.

Do "The History of Racism" webquest (worksheet given to you in class).

If you have trouble accessing the Washington Post article, search for "John Howard Griffin Jonathan Yardley" (Yardley is the author of the article in the Wash. Post.)

You have been given a paperback copy of To Kill a Mockingbird. We have a unique opportunity such that you are allowed to write in them, underline, make notes, etc. Please do not lose your book, as it will not be replaced. You will be able to sign out a copy that will have to be returned at the end of the unit, but you cannot write in that copy.

Tuesday 11/21

I CAN: Research background information in preparation for new knowledge.

Continue working on your webquest.

Wednesday 11/22


Friday 11/24

For help with ANALYZING TEXT activities,

Here is a list of common RHETORICAL DEVICES and their definitions:


"Collection 5: A Matter of Life and Death"


November 13 -- 17

Monday 11/13

I CAN: Analyze ideas and events presented in the text, determine the central idea, and summarize the text.

Survival Scenario activity

Begin reading "from Deep Survival" starting on p. 325 in the Collections textbook. Do questions 1-6 on the reading guide worksheet.

Tuesday 11/14

I CAN: Analyze ideas and events presented in the text, determine the central idea, and summarize the text.

Discuss reading guide.

Timed writing-- Do the extended response Writing to Learn activity on the reading guide worksheet. Due at the end of class. (This is designed to simulate the extended response writing that will be part of the ELA I end-of course (AIR) test.

Wednesday 11/15

I CAN: Analyze the effects of author's choice and make inferences about theme.

First, read "Analyze Author's Choices: Flashback and Tension" and Support Inferences About Theme" p. 347.

Read "The Leap" p. 339-346 in the Collection textbook.

Thursday 11/16

I CAN: Analyze the effects of author's choice and make inferences about theme.

Discuss Analyzing the Text questions p. 348. Each student provides a detailed answer for the question he/she is assigned. Class discussion of question.

Test review: Stories included: "from Night"; "Is Survival Selfish?"; "from Deep Survival"; "Leap" in "Collection 5: A Matter of Life and Death"

Skills to know: Author's purpose; author's point-of-view (his/her beliefs); making inferences; identifying and analyzing supporting evidence; craft and structure; tone; use of anecdotes; connotation(effect of word choice); character identification; character motivation; theme; flashback, and sequencing.

Friday 11/17

I CAN: Demonstrate my ability to analyze a text using a variety of skills.

Collection 5 Unit Test.

November 6 -- 10

Monday 11/6


Continue the TP--CASTT activity for "The Survivor p. 92 in the Close Reader)

Form new groups as follows:

First rotation: Paraphrase/Connotation; Attitude/Shifts; Title(post) /Theme

Second rotation: Connotation/Attitude; Shifts/Title(post); Theme/Paraphrase

Third rotation: Paraphrase/Attitude; Connotations/Title; Shifts/Theme

Complete the TP--CASTT chart worksheet.

Tuesday 11/7

I CAN: Collaboratively construct meaning of a poem, and clarify and expand my thinking about it.

Text Rendering:

    1. Read the poem “Who Understands Me But Me” p. 93-94 in the Close Reader.

2. Re-read the poem and identify ONE sentence, ONE phrase and ONE word that stands out to you.

In your workbook next to the sentence, word or phrase, EXPLAIN WHY you believe each to be so important. (Ask WHO, WHAT, WHY, WHERE, WHEN AND HOW questions to help you. Ex: Who does the “I” remind you of? What happened that made the person feel “they take my heart and rip it open, I live without heart”? )

3. In your TP-CASTT group, assign a SCRIBE to take notes during sharing. Then, take turns sharing. The scribe will make notes of what each person shares.

1st round: Share your sentence and its significance.

2nd round: Share your phrase and its significance.

3rd round: Share your word and its significance.

Wednesday 11/8

I CAN: Collaboratively construct meaning of a poem, and clarify and expand my thinking about it.

Continue Text Rendering from yesterday:

4. As a GROUP, come up with a couple of sentences that answer the question:

What do you think is the most important idea in the paragraph!


You can set it up something like this:

The main idea of the poem is . . .

This idea stands out because . . .


TP--CASTT activity for "Who Understands Me But Me"

Write your answers IN THE TP -- CASTT DOCUMENT in our Google Classroom. (You may need to delete notes you wrote in there for the other poem.)

Thursday 11/9

I CAN: Independently and collaboratively determine meaning of words and phrases, including figurative and connotative meanings to analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone.


TP--CASTT activity for "Who Understands Me But Me"

Write your answers IN THE TP -- CASTT DOCUMENT in our Google Classroom. (You may need to delete notes you wrote in there for the other poem.)

Friday 11/10

I CAN: Demonstrate my knowledge of vocabulary that I have acquired.

VID/VIS root words QUIZ. Worksheet is due today, too.

October 30-November 3

Monday 10/30

I CAN: Delineate and evaluate an argument by examining a claim and the evidence provided to support that claim, including demonstration of understanding rhetorical devices, examining the meaning and depth of language, and assess an author's claims and reasoning.

Read the Selection: “Truth at All Costs” p. 85-90

Read this speech carefully all the way through.

Answer the “close-reading” questions at the bottom of each page, as these will help them focus on thorough analysis of the argument. (Write these in your workbooks)

Define the words in the margins. Use context clues or an online dictionary (with your phones).

Record comments and/or questions in the margins as you read.

Tuesday 10/31

I CAN: Identify strong textual evidence used to support my analysis of a text, and analyze how the author unfolds a series of ideas and how they are developed.

Do "Heads Together" group discussion on yesterday's reading. Report out to whole class.

Wednesday 11/1

I CAN: Determine meaning of words and phrases, including figurative and connotative meanings to analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone.

"Survivor Poems"

(Finish discussion of "Truth at All Costs" if necessary)

Thursday 11/2

I CAN: Determine meaning of words and phrases, including figurative and connotative meanings to analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone.

TP--CASTT activity -- Use the document in Google Classroom to help you evaluate the section you and your group have been assigned. Write your answers on the TP--CASTT worksheet. (You will NOT be submitting anything to Google Classroom)

Friday 11/3

I CAN: Demonstrate my knowledge of vocabulary that I have acquired.

VAL/VAIL root words QUIZ. Worksheet is due today, too.

Continue the TP--CASTT activity--

Form new groups as follows:

First rotation: Paraphrase/Connotation; Attitude/Shifts; Title(post) /Theme

Second rotation: Connotation/Attitude; Shifts/Title(post); Theme/Paraphrase

Third rotation: Paraphrase/Attitude; Connotations/Title; Shifts/Theme

October 23-27

Monday 10/23

I CAN: Demonstrate my knowledge of vocabulary that I have acquired.

Draw conclusions about author's purpose.

FAC/FEC/FICT root words QUIZ. Worksheet is due today, too.

Continue "Text Rendering" activity--group discussion on phrase and word you chose. Then, Identify any words and/or ideas that emerge and what insight you gained about the scene. Choose one idea to highlight and report out to the class.

Tuesday 10/24

I CAN: Delineate and evaluate an argument by examining a claim and the evidence provided to support that claim, including demonstration of understanding rhetorical devices, examining the meaning and depth of language.

Continue to focus on Author's Purpose/Point-of-View

Read the selection entitled "Is Survival Selfish?" p. 317-320 in your Collections (hardback) textbook.

Use the Glossary starting on p. R77 to find the definitions for the "Critical Vocabulary" (words in the margins).

(Help: The only word in this selection is LAUD on p. 317.)

HOMEWORK: Finish reading and answering the questions in the Google Classroom assignment.

Wednesday 10/25

I CAN: Delineate and evaluate an argument by examining a claim and the evidence provided to support that claim, including demonstration of understanding rhetorical devices, examining the meaning and depth of language.

Continue to focus on Author's Purpose/Point-of-View

Discuss "Is Survival Selfish?" activity from yesterday.

Do "Numbered Heads Together" activity. Each group gets a questions to discuss (10 mins) and share out.

Thursday 10/26

I CAN: Delineate and evaluate an argument by examining a claim and the evidence provided to support that claim, including demonstration of understanding rhetorical devices, examining the meaning and depth of language.

Continue to focus on Author's Purpose/Point-of-View

Do the Reading Analysis questions and chart in Google Classroom. This is a 2-page assignment.

Log into your Google Classroom for our English I class.

Click on the assignment " Survival Selfish? Argument Analysis&Chart"

Answer the questions and complete the chart, following directions on the assignment sheet.

TURN IN (using the "turn in" button) to Classroom at the end of the period.

Friday 10/27

I CAN: Delineate and evaluate an argument by examining a claim and the evidence provided to support that claim, including demonstration of understanding rhetorical devices, examining the meaning and depth of language.

Continue to focus on Author's Purpose/Point-of-View

Discuss Argument Analysis & Chart.

Distribute new VAL/VAIL vocabulary -- This will be due and QUIZ on this will be next Fri. 11/3

October 16-20

Monday 10/16

I CAN: Identify and explain author's purpose using Ethos, Logos, Pathos

"Record, reduce, review" activity using the ELP homework from Fri.

Introduce Vocabulary Unit

FAC/FECT/FIC root words.

QUIZ: Mon., Oct. 23 -- Vocab quizzes will include definitions, using each word in context.

Use the links highlighted in green above for help with the prefixes and suffixes.

Tuesday 10/17

I CAN: Analyze an author's rhetoric

Distribute Close Reader workbooks.

Read and do activities for "An Ordinary Man"p. 77 in the Close Reader workbook.

In class, read and do activities 1, 2 & 3 pages 77-79.

Homework: READ the rest of the story. Be prepared for literary analysis activities in class tomorrow.

Wednesday 10/18

I CAN: Analyze a text an cite evidence to support my thoughts and claims about passages in the text.

Do activities 3-10 in the workbook

Thursday 10/19

I CAN: Analyze a text an cite evidence to support my thoughts and claims about passages in the text.

Discuss questions 5-10 as a class.

Do "Text Rendering" activity--in-class assignment--due at the end of the period.

Link to activity instructions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pBkeKeqiRKrPRaBtLYxDHv04QziBZnRa42EOUv_481k/edit

HOMEWORK: Study for your FAC/FECT/FIC vocabulary quiz. Worksheet is due Monday, also.

Friday 10/20


October 9-13

Monday 10/9

I CAN: Demonstrate competency in reading for information:


By the end of grade 9, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades 9-10 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. By the end of grade 10, read and comprehend literary nonfiction at the high end of the grades 9-10 text complexity band independently and proficiently.

Distribute Collections textbooks.

Begin Unit 5 "A Matter of Life and Death"

Read the excerpt from Night. In class today read p. 307-309.

Tuesday 10/10

I CAN: Determine author's purpose and the central idea in an informational piece of writing and provide an objective summary.

Read, analyze and discuss the selection in the Collections textbook "from Night" by Elie Wiesel pages 307-312.

Use the following link to access the questions we answered and discussed in class:


Wednesday 10/11

I CAN: Determine an author's purpose and analyze how an author uses rhetoric to advance that purpose.

Continue analysis activity from yesterday.

Do "Back-to-Back" discussion activity.

HOMEWORK: Use the link above (In Tues. lesson) to finish reading and analyzing the selection from Night.

Thursday 10/12

I CAN: Demonstrate my ability to identify core standards for reading literature and reading for information.

Reading for Information and Reading Literature pre-assessment.

Friday 10/13

I CAN: Identify and create meaning from an author's use of RHETORICAL DEVICES.

Rhetorical Device packet.

HOMEWORK: Finish the PATHOS and LOGOS sections on the chart for Monday. (We are using the selection from Night by Elie Wiesel that we've been reading. Starts on p. 307 in the Collections textbook.)

October 2-6

MLA STYLE GUIDE INFORMATION: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/13/





Monday 10/2

I CAN: Edit my sentences so that they are written in standard, academic 3rd person.


Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing.


Write and edit work so that it conforms to the guidelines in a style manual (e.g., MLA Handbook, Turabian's Manual for Writers) appropriate for the discipline and writing type.

Academic writing must be written in 3rd person (she/he/one/it/they/them, etc.)

Today you will work on editing the sentences in each of your paragraphs to eliminate the pronouns I/WE/ME/US and YOU.

EXAMPLE: It is good for you to take a break from your phone every so often because it will let you connect more with your family.

REVISED: People should take a break from using electronics every so often so that they can connect more with their family.

Tuesday 10/3

I CAN: Edit my sentences so that they meet standard academic conventions


Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing.


Write and edit work so that it conforms to the guidelines in a style manual (e.g., MLA Handbook, Turabian's Manual for Writers) appropriate for the discipline and writing type.

To create the formal tone and meet the MLA guidelines, use standard academic diction to express your ideas precisely. Remove unnecessary words and phrases, and use words the identify precisely what you mean. Remove phrases such as "I think..."; I feel..."; "I believe..."; "In my opinion...", etc. Avoid starting sentences with "Also,". Replace the word "thing" with a word that describes exactly what you mean.

EXAMPLE: Also, the thing that is important is to be sure to unplug it at night so you can get a good night's sleep.

REVISED: One step that is important for people to take to use their phones responsibly is to remember that phones should be tu a off at night to ensure a good night's sleep.

Wednesday 10/4

I CAN: Write an effective introductory paragraph with a hook, and linking/bridge sentences that introduce, explain and connect to my thesis statement.

Basics of an Introduction slide show: https://www.slideshare.net/janalmiller/introductory-paragraph


The Introductory Paragraph (details--use slides 1-12): https://www.slideshare.net/huntingkim/the-introductory-paragraph


(We call our thesis statement a 3-prong thesis statement. This slideshow calls it a "rainbow" sentence, but it is actually the same; it just has a different name. Either way, the thesis statement expresses the over-arching ideas you will be talking about in your essay.)

For extra help, you can look at this:

Common Core: How to Write an Introduction: http://www.elacommoncorelessonplans.com/writing-standards/how-to-write-essay-introduction.html

After watching the slide presentations, you will:

1. Craft your own, original attention-getting first sentence to "hook" your reader.

2. Write your bridge/linking sentence(s) that connect your "hook" to your thesis statement

3. Once your paragraph is written, trade Chromebooks with a classmate who is finished and peer-edit the INTRO PARAGRAPH. Use the Comment tool in the Google Doc to leave comments.

4. Upload your paper to the Revision assignment in turnitin.com. Open your document in turnitin.com to view the grammar feedback to help you make another revision of your paper getting it ready for the final due this weekend.

Thursday 10/5

I CAN: Write an effective conclusion that follows conventions of argumentative writing.

Conclusions: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/engagement/2/2/60/

Conclusions video: http://slideplayer.com/slide/8734500

Simple formula for Conclusion: https://academichelp.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Essayconclusion.jpg

After watching the slide presentations, you will:

1. Craft your own, original conclusion.

2. Once your paragraph is written, trade Chromebooks with a classmate who is finished and peer-edit the

CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH. Use the Comment tool in the Google Doc to leave comments.

Friday 10/6

Work day for Intro and Conclusion


September 25-29

Monday 9/25

3 BODY paragraphs (started last week) due today -- 15 points. Information in these paragraphs must explain your UNIQUE, INDIVIDUAL ideas about your positions and reasons.


Today, you will be searching for and including credible, relevant, logical evidence to support the reasons you have given in your body paragraphs.

"Teenagers and Social Networking" https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0_9YhlmrsMvUnJZalhFRnpEUUU

"Go offline For National Day of Unplugging" https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0_9YhlmrsMvUnJZalhFRnpEUUU

Begin individual writing conferences.

"Using Research Evidence": https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/588/02/

"On Paragraphs": https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/724/02/

HOMEWORK: Continue to develop and write your body paragraphs.

Tuesday 9/26

In-class work day on 3 body paragraphs

Writing conferences continue.

Grade for Evidence (10 points)


HOMEWORK: Finish your body paragraphs.

Wednesday 9/27


Begin Counterargument and rebuttal paragraph.

Consider what your opponent's BEST argument is. Acknowledge that, research it, and then refute it (prove them wrong with more evidence on your side of the argument). This is the paragraph designed to "take the wind out of their sails".

"Rebuttal Sections": https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/724/03/

HOMEWORK: Continue to develop your counterclaim and rebuttal paragraph.

Thursday 9/28

Writing a logical argument.

Evaluate the structure of your argument. This is a criterion that will be graded in your final essay.

"Logic in Argumentative Writing": https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/659/01/

"Using Logic in Writing": https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/659/04/

Friday 9/29

Writing workshop and writing conferences.

Draft due to turnitin.com BEFORE THE END OF CLASS TODAY!!!!

Next week: revising and editing

September 18--22

Monday 9/18

Finish Argument powerpoint (If you've been absent, see the attachment of the powerpoint at the bottom of this page. TAKE NOTES ON YOUR OWN SHEET OF NOTEBOOK PAPER AS YOU READ THROUGH IT)


Tuesday 9/19

Using Chromebooks, set up a new, MLA formatted document for the revised draft of your "Unplugging" essay.

You will be writing your heading,


Use the following links for help with your thesis statement. (These are hyperlinked, so all you have to do is click on them)

"Creating a Thesis Statement": https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/545/01/

"Strong Thesis Statements": https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/588/01/

Wednesday 9/20

You will write your thesis statement, including 3 UNIQUE, INDIVIDUAL reasons for your position.

Write a topic outline that includes your 3 unique, individual reasons developed yesterday.

Overview of formal academic writing using the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL):

(This is hyperlinked, so all you have to do is click on it)

"Types of Outlines": https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/544/03/

Writing Academic Argumentative papers: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/724/01/


HOMEWORK: FINISH OUTLINE FOR II, III & IV ONLY. (These are your 3 reasons. Include WHY these are good reasons in the subtopics).

Click on these links to see the sample outline and essay documents we are using in class:





(Do NOT do counterargument--that is a lesson for another day.)

Thursday 9/21

Write 3 clear, concise topic sentences for each of your supporting paragraphs.


Use the following links for help with your topic sentences. (These are hyperlinked, so all you have to do is click on them)

"1.1 Topic Sentences": https://owl.english.purdue.edu/engagement/2/1/29/

"2.2 Topic Sentences": https://owl.english.purdue.edu/engagement/2/2/57/

See links for OUTLINE and ESSAY SAMPLES under Wednesday.

HOMEWORK: Continue to develop ideas in your OUTLINE subtopics. These will be the supporting details in each paragraph.

Friday 9/22

Start to explain your UNIQUE, INDIVIDUAL reasons that explain the idea expressed in your topic sentence.


Use the following links for help developing your body paragraphs. (These are hyperlinked, so all you have to do is click on them)

"Body Paragraphs": https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/724/02/

"On Paragraphs": https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/606/01/

HOMEWORK: Write the draft of your "Unplugging" essay that includes your thesis statement and 3 body paragraphs explaining your UNIQUE, INDIVIDUAL explanation and ideas about your positions and reasons. (Do NOT do counterargument--that is a lesson for another day.)

September 11--15

Monday 9/11

Review Fragments and Run-ons

Move quiz to Tues.

Tuesday 9/12

Fragment/run-on QUIZ

Wednesday 9/13

Grammar: Lesson 19 in Student Resources/Grammar notes--Using Commas

Thursday 9/14

Introduction to Argumentative Writing

Friday 9/15

Argumentative Writing continued

September 4 -- 8

Monday 9/4


Tuesday 9/5

"Where I'm From" project due today beginning of class.

ERC activities with Mrs. Wise

Wednesday 9/6

Grammar skills activity.

Thursday 8/31

Grammar skills in online textbook "Student Resources"

Friday 9/8

Finish Fragments and Run-Ons grammar activities

Read and do the activities on pages 114-121: (Follow directions given in the text for each exercise).

p. 115 Diagnostic Test # 1-5

p. 119 Practice and Apply: A. Concept Check: Sentence Fragments

B. Revising: Fixing Incomplete Sentences

p. 121 Practice and Apply A. Concept Check: Run-on Sentences

B. Editing: Spotting Incorrect Sentences

QUIZ over these skills MONDAY!!!

August 28 - September 1

Monday 8/28

Finish "Unplugging" pre-writing assignment and upload to turnitin.com if not done Fri.

Introduce "Where I'm From" assignment

Tuesday 8/29

Brainstorm text and artwork/images for "Where I'm From" assignment -- See template, original poem by George Ella Lyon, and sample poem by Ms. Vaca in the PDF document "I Am From poem" attached at the bottom of this webpage.

Assignment requirements: This assignment has TWO parts -- the poem AND a VISUAL REPRESENTATION

The entire project (poem and visual representation) is DUE: TUESDAY, SEPT. 5

Print your poem to turn in a hard copy at the beginning of class.

Your poem MUST be typed or written NEATLY in ink -- you may use creative fonts, colors, markers, etc. for this assignment.

You must also create a VISUAL REPRESENTATION to illustrate the images/memories in your poem.

BE CREATIVE!!!! This can be a collage, a drawing, a painting, a sculpture, a flag, an original family crest or other 3-dimensional piece, etc.

Review and edit your poem to be sure that you have the best word choice by

using sensory details and words with connotations that evoke the readers' feelings!!!!

Example: if talking about miserably hot weather, try saying "blistering" or "sweltering" instead of just "hot" or "too warm"


Wednesday 8/30

Vocabulary Pre-Assessment

Work on poem

H/W: Continue working on poem and visual representation of poem

Thursday 8/31

Review "Unplugging" assignment -- work with the Grammar tools in turnitin.com

Sign in to Collections Textbook online

H/W: Continue working on poem and visual representation of poem

Friday 9/1

Non-fiction pre-assessment

Grammar skills in Collections Textbook online

H/W: Continue working on poem and visual representation of poem


August 23-25

Wednesday 8/23

Welcome to class!

Introductions, seating assignments, class expectations, answers to questions

Thursday 8/24

Set up turnitin.com

Writing practice -- submit to turnitin.com

Friday 8/25

"Unplugging" pre-assessment