English 8


** All assignments, homework reminders, and documents will be posted on Google Classroom. If a parent would like to receive a daily or weekly summary and has not received an invitation, please email me (kflint@sunapeeschools.org).

Course Description:

In this course there will be concentration on literature, writing, grammar, and vocabulary. The literature text for the class is The Language of Literature. We will also be reading several novels over the course of the year. Titles include: Copper Sun, Johnny Tremain, To Kill a Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men, Warriors Don't Cry, The Killer Angels, and Across Five Aprils. Writing will be a large component of the class, and all writing assignments will be graded according to a writing rubric. Daily assignments for vocabulary and grammar will also be a consistent part of the class.


Students will be given a writing journal and novels. Students must bring their own writing utensils and a folder for assignments.

Grading Policy:

Each assignment for the class will be given a point value. Typically homework assignments count for 10 points; quiz grades are 20 points; and tests, projects, and writing assignments count for 50 points. The student grade is always the percentage of points earned divided by the points assigned. Assignments are expected at the beginning of class. Daily assignments that are not passed into the instructor on time may be passed in late but will only receive partial credit of 80%. No missing work will be accepted more than one week after it was initially due. Long term assignments will receive a one-grade reduction for each day late.

Grading Policy:

Each assignment for the class will be given a point value. Typically homework assignments count for 10 points; quiz grades 20 points; and tests, projects count for 30 points, and writing assignments count for 40 points. The student grade is always the percentage of the points earned divided by the points assigned. Assignments are expected at the beginning of class. Daily assignments that are not passed into the instructor on time may be passed in late but will only receive partial credit of 80%. No missing work will be accepted more than one week after it was initially due. Long-term assignments will receive a one-grade reduction for each day late.

Grading Scale:

100 – 99 A+

98 – 95 A

94 – 93 A-

92 – 91 B+

90 – 87 B

86 – 85 B-

84 – 83 C+

82 – 80 C

79 – 78 C-

77 – 76 D+

75 – 72 D

71 – 70 D-

69 - 0 F

Vocabulary Review:

Grammar Practice:

Grade 8 Syllabus-2018-19