Welcome to my Web Page

        Welcome to the new school year!  This year I will be teaching:  (3) eleventh grade U.S. History classes' co-taught with Mr. Spadaro;   and (2) twelfth grade  Participation in Gov. and Economic classes co-taught with  Mr. Mosca.

This web page will include course outlines as well as, essential links and resources that can be used to help successfully complete these classes.

U.S. online textbook:

U.S. History online resources:http://www.ushistory.org/textbooks.htm          https://www.infoplease.com/history-and-government/us-history/us-history-timeline    google.com

Useful Links:


History Ch

US History Web Book

Regents Review



My Email Link:


Co - Teachers emails:



Economics and Participation In Gov't. -- please see google classroom for assignments. 

U.S. HISTORY - Period's 1 , 4, 5

ASSIGNMENTS: All assignments for each class are posted on google classroom as well

    Fourth Quarter

1- US History Review book vocab. HW assignment -- pg. 264 all Key Terms and Events -

2. WW2 Quiz (brain check)

3. WW2 m/c question test w/ in-class Short Essay

4- Cold War quiz is due Wednesday 4/16

5 - Civil Rights assignment is due Monday 4/22

6- Cold War Test - Wednesday-Friday (4/24-4/26)

7 - Multiple Choice questions (ch's 10 & 11) p. 356/386 - are due Tuesday 5/7

8 - Short essays (regents review) are due Wednesday 5/29

9 - Reviewing for US Regents Exam/ Study for Regents exam - Tuesday June 18th at 7:30am